Commission Terms of Service

2 years, 10 months ago

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I just typed all of this but it got deleted :/, lets try this again...

These may update from time to time, so I suggest reviewing this every so-often.


These are my Terms and Conditions. If you commission me/bid in an auction then you are automatically agreeing to these terms. These Terms and Conditions apply to every piece of art that I produce.

Blanket Terms
These apply to every piece of art, regardless of which below category it falls into

Your art will be water-marked, do not attempt to remove, relocate, or resize the watermark. The water mark I place will however be small, so it will not disturb the artwork.

Do not heavily reference/trace my artwork.

You must clearly credit me for all artwork. Credit my ToyHouse: -Wisp- if posting somewhere other the WolfPlay. If posting on WolfPlay, then credit my WolfPlay  - Wisp 270113

You may not take the lineart of my artwork and edit it to be any other character then I originally made it. It is fine if you adjust the colors if the original character has a design change. The character may not change.

If you edit any of my artwork (color change, add ons, add more characters/background, just make sure that it goes along with the previous rule) then I am still the creator of the artwork and am to be credited as such.

I reserve the right to repost and publish the artwork where I like as means to promote myself and my artwork.

If you are commissioning me then you may not attempt to use my artwork for profit unless discussed prior.

Items such as T-Shirts as Badges may be produced using my artwork, as long as it is for personal use only.

Designs/artwork may not be purchased with the sole purpose of re-selling.

You must specify dimensions before I start the piece. If dimensions are not specified before I start do not have to re-size the piece and I will choose whatever dimensions I'd like. You may re-size the pieces on your own once I finish.

Art specifically made for you

You can expect your commission to be completed in up to 5 business days unless I have told you something contrary prior to me starting your piece. If it takes longer than my expected time range then you will receive a discount.

You will get a number of free revisions to your commissioned piece (depending on the type of commission). After you use all of those free revisions each additional one will cost 200 mushrooms (in game currency).

I will only make a revision to the art for the stage that I am currently working on. The stages are: Sketch, Lineart, Coloring, Shading, Background Sketch, Background, Background Shading, Finished Piece. (So if you have approved of the sketch, and I have started the lines, then I will not go back and change the sketch).

Before I start the commission you can request that I stop the artwork and ask for your approval after any of the previously listed stages. At that point, I can change things from the stage that I had shown you, but not from a previous stage.

If I send you art for approval after I complete a stage, and it takes you x days to respond, then I get x more days to work on the piece before I am considered late.

If the commissioner supplies me with an insufficient reference (doesn't show full character/character markings, shaded/unclear colors, etc.) and the piece is not satisfactory due to the reference, then I will not redo the piece. The commissioner can, however, use the revisions to change the piece for my current stage.

Character Designs
Aka Adoptables/Adopts, any character design that I have premade. Custom character designs follow these rules as well as the Commission's rules.

You may not turn the design into any sort of open/closed species.

Custom Character Designs get 5 free revisions

Custom Designs - I can work from description, but I can also work from themes/pictures (for example, if you sent me a picture I could make a character that went along with those vibes)

None of my premade adopts come with any info on the ref sheet (like name or gender), but I can add it in if you wish.

Stands for "Your Character Here", it's where I make a sketch/lineart and sell/auction it. Then I finish it being the person's character.

I will not work from description on YCHs, the commissioner must provide a visual reference.

In a YCH auction, I will make small line edits (such as adding horns, tail changes, small gear additions, etc.) for no additional charge, but large line edits (extra limbs, different fur style, etc.) only if ABed (Automatically Buy/Absolute Bid).

Your YCH will most likely be completed within 2 business days. If it takes more than 5 business days then you will receive a discount.

Cancelling Orders + Refunds
You realize your broke


You may only cancel a YCH if I have not started it yet. You will receive a 100% refund. If you won the YCH from an auction then you may not cancel it.

Premade Character Designs

You can't really cancel these, as they have already been made. However, if you claim an adopt, then within 24 hours decide that you don't want it, then you can get a 50% refund.

Custom Character Designs + Other Commissions

You may cancel the order before I start it for a 90% refund.

If you cancel the order after I have started the sketch then you may get a 70% refund.

If you cancel the order after I have started the lineart then you can get a 30% refund.

If you cancel the order after I have started the coloring, then you may get a 15% refund.

You can cancel the order after the coloring stage, but you will not get any refund.

Money money money! All about the money!

So far I have not been scammed, so I will keep the money transfers simple. If something happens where yall betray my trust, then I will implement a much more complex payment method, that will help to prevent scamming but make life a little harder for the rest of us.

Obviously, no stealing.

I will send you the finished artwork, then you send the payment. Simple as that!

Will DrawWon't Draw
-Gore (Mild and Extreme)
-Feral, Anthro, and Humanoid Characters
-Hateful/Mean Stuff
...may add more if I think of it...