
2 years, 9 months ago

Elegy is desperate to meet the royal magical & human/Lockette relations advisor, Evelynn; a Lockette who is the lead witch of a well respected Coven. Confident, beautiful, powerful, and fully in tune with her possession, she craves any advice this powerful woman can give her.

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Elegy’s hands were shaking, rattling the silver platter and cutlery gripped within them. She shouldn’t be here, she knows that. Dressed as a simple maid, she masqueraded as the new help and worked her way into the servants quarters of the castle. She knows nothing about being a handmaiden of any kind, she’s hoping her panic just seems like a newbie’s nerves but inside she's terrified to her core. If they found her out, she would lose her only chance to talk to the woman she admires most. Everything made her feel so sick. Her eyes flicked around every corner, searching rapidly for movement in the smallest of shadows. Any sign of the recognisable silhouette of her target. Paying attention to everything around her except what was right in front of her, till it was too late. 


Her heart sank first, and her body came soon after. Everything moved in slow motion. The clatter of what she once held punctuating the silence of the shrouded halls. From her new place on the floor, she gingerly looked up to meet the stern gaze of a castle soldier. “What in the Hells name are you doing here, Lockette?” The name of her species was said with such malice it made her cringe. The War was over, but that didn’t mean every human suddenly had to like her. Elegy’s emotions threatened to break through the surface and she did all she could to not vomit. Gotta keep it together, if you let IT out here, you’ll never get your chance! “I-I’m sorry sir. I’m Lady Evelynn’s new help and I-I got lost and I’m nervous, it’s my first day you see…” Elegy stammered while trying to collect the scattered kitchenware. She avoided all further eye contact so he might not be able to tell she was lying, though the guard’s glare bore into the back of her neck.
   “If you’re waiting on her, why do you have random cutlery with no food, or drink? You have a broken empty teacup and two knives. This benefits no one.”
Elegy froze, shaking hand hovering over one of the knives he mentioned. She didn’t even think about what she had picked up, but maybe she should have. 

   “I don’t think you’re here for Lady Evelynn, Lockette. I think you’re here for the King. Evelynn may be trusted by his Royal Highness, but I think your race is all the same! Even before the war, all the likes of you do is try to make good Humans suffer. I’ll get you shattered for this, scum!” Before he had even finished his accusations, the guard had forcibly grabbed Elegy by the collar of her uniform and hoisted her to his level. The guard was taller and stronger than her. Elegy kicked, she struggled against his grip, trying to free herself. She can’t be caught now! Not after all this work! “No please sir! Lady Evelynn-” THWACK.

   Something had struck the guard in the back and with a cry of surprise, he dropped Elegy to the ground once more. He turned; hand ready on the hilt of his weapon. Yet he paused when he looked upon his striker and took no further action. Instead, he stepped aside and bowed. “A-apologies my Lady, I did not mean to disturb you but I had reason to believe this maid was-” 

   “Silence. I care not what your reasons are. What you have spoken about this young maid and my race alike is abhorrent. Not to mention striking and threatening my new help. Now, begone. And be glad, for your own sake, I don’t speak of this further with the King.” 

   Elegy was in disbelief. The woman she held in such high esteem, the woman she risked her life for, Lady Evelynn, had saved her. The dark-skinned Lockette towered over. Her long dark hair and drooped bat wings framed her curvaceous figure. She was dressed only in her nightgown and it did nothing to hide her assets, but everything to accentuate them. The air around her seemed to spark with magic. Her scaled tail swished impatiently across the wood of the floor, coming to a rest after its impromptu strike against Elegy’s aggressor. Her one visible eye glared at the guard, not with malice, but still with threat. She held herself high, her posture screamed confidence and despite her feminine appearance, she was incredibly intimidating. Elegy had dreamed of this moment for so long and now when she had finally got what she had sort, she was paralyzed.

The guard bowed once more and hurried off, Evelynn turned her sharp gaze unto Elegy below. Elegy’s breath caught in her throat. Was she about to be ridiculed by the person she respected most? She dared look Evelynn in the eye, but the ferociousness that was there moments ago had faded. Still stern, but now filled more with curiosity. The lateness of the night showed on her face. “Are you unharmed? My chambers will be a better place to talk. You risked a lot coming here young one. Follow me.” She turned on her heel and strutted back down the corridor before taking a pause and glancing back over her shoulder. “Oh and do hurry, if the guard comes back, you wouldn’t want him noticing your… disposition. Do not worry about the mess.” Elegy scrambled to her feet and hurried after the figure. She wondered what Evelynn meant until she looked down at herself and noticed the faint wisps of possession leaking from her joints.

   She felt bad for leaving that mess behind. She promised herself that if she was still alive by morning, she would deal with it herself.