Crowbar Effect [MCOD Execution]

5 years, 8 months ago

Explicit Violence

A wrong foot placement causes a step to break

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Author's Notes

i wanna say this is from 2015? the mcod blog is gone but the deviation for the pic says it's 2015

In the middle of an empty living room, belonging to an empty mansion. It’s been abandoned for what seems like a decade or two, Jamie looks around his surroundings. The floor creaks, wallpaper is peeling, and there are insects crawling along the walls. It’s the kind of house you would see in horror movies or paranormal investigation shows. Looking behind him, he sees the double doors he had just entered from, then turns to look ahead of him again to see the fireplaces in the middle of the wall, on both sides of it are bookshelves filled completely with books of different sizes. He makes his way to one of the two doors to the corridor that will take him to the stairs. The hinges squeak as the door opens and he makes his way to the next door, opening it up to reveal the long staircase. Blood is splattered along the walls, but the ghostwriter simply ignores it and makes his way up to the next floor.

A wrong foot placement causes a step to break; Jamie watches as his leg goes through the hole, wincing a bit at the sudden pain, then calmly pulls it back out to continue up. The cuts in the wood and nails scrape him and cause a cut in his leg, Jamie pays no mind to the blood dripping down his leg or the cut in his jeans as he continues to walk up the stairs. Creaking and groaning of old wood fills up the otherwise empty space, it’s cold as if a ghost were there, taking in any warm air that makes it into the mansion. A setting like that begs for ghosts and demons to follow you around, as that is exactly what might be going on. As he reaches the top of the staircase, he lets out a breath of exhaustion before pushing the door open to reveal another room.

The young author goes his way through the empty and blood splattered hallway. The aura of the room feeling more eerie than the last, the feeling of someone following him growing stronger. Shrugging it off, he proceeds to the end of the path. A dead end covered in thick blood. Disappointed in his findings, he turns to leave, stopping in his tracks as he sees something almost demon like blocking his path, a figure looking like the night holding a crowbar over its head. It didn’t take a genius to know what was to come next. As the demon struck, Jamie pushed past it, beginning to run back to the stairs, sure that whatever the thing was was definitely following him, and fast.

He pushed the door open and began to run down the stairs, keeping good footing although he was running downhill on steps. So close the end of the stairs…just a bit more…His foot goes to step down on the next step, but goes straight through. The broken step. Jamie had completely forgotten about it. He falls on his face on the next couple of steps, breaking his nose. Fuck, he really could not let this happen at the moment. He pushes himself up and spends a few seconds getting his rather sore leg out of the hole, blood dripping from his nose, which is beginning to swell, down onto his pants. He gets his leg out just in time, as the demon was right behind him and about to strike again. Running down the next few steps, hissing through the pain, he goes to open the door to get out of the corridor, just to find that the door locked. He considers breaking it down to escape, but just as that thought goes through his mind, a shadow looms over him.

Cornered now with a broken nose and what feels like a dislocated hip from his fall, Jamie has nowhere to go. He looks up to the figure, a shaky smile stretching across his face, laughing under his breath. This wasn’t the way he was meant to go, he was supposed to live longer. Tears begin to fall from his eyes as he attempts to bear through the pain. The demon, about half a foot taller than him brings the crowbar back up and with one swift movement, whacks the boy on the head with the teeth of the weapon, digging into his skull. Jamie’s body falls to the ground with a thud, blood coming from his head pooling around him and slipping through the spots in the wood. The demon dissipates, the crowbar landing by Jamie’s body.