Art Star Origins

2 years, 10 months ago
3269 1

Two young artists meet after Halloween.

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Pulse: [He was already at the park, sitting on a bench holding his mint green duffle bag. It was full of art supplies and Halloween candy. He was waiting around for friend! They were gonna have a candy picnic!]

Bianca: [A portal opens behind him and Bianca steps out once again, no Ichor. She seems... more detached than usual, but she's also noticeably nervous.] Oh... Pulse. [She does her usual muted wave.]

Pulse: [He turns around and waves happily at her] Hi Bianca!!! Are you ready for the art and candy picnic of awesomeness?! [He furrows his brows. Concern.] ... Are you like... Alright...? Do you want a hug...?

Bianca: [She jumps a little, barely flinching.] Um... yes.... We are here to trade candy and pursue art. [She blushes a tinge.] I... would like a hug, but... that... [She turns the bracelets around in her pocket.] But that can wait.

Pulse: [Nod nod] Awww... I... Heh... I promise I haven’t had any cupcakes, if that’s why you don’t wanna hug. [He chuckles a bit] Don’t worry!

Bianca: [She flinches again.] No... no... I do not.... It is not about the cupcakes. [There's a small glance to her shoulder.] I need to... I will... [She does look over to Pulse, holding up the bag.] Let us proceed with the candy sorting.

Pulse: A-ah, I was just joking Bianca. [He pauses a bit, before gently patting her on the shoulder] Just calm down... Okay? It's gonna be fun, and nice, and we're gonna eat candy, and make cool art!

Bianca: [She attempts to smile, but she's gently nervous.] Yeah... It will be a day of merriment. And it will be cool. [She does her best fingerguns which fires an erasure ray and cuts a tree in half. Bianca's face is o_o, but quickly just returns to her normal gently anxious face.] Heh. Ummm... let us sit on the blanket and dole out candy.

Pulse: [0-0 Oh boy... That was an intense finger gun... Ah...] H-huh... You know... Bianca, are you sure you're okay...? Did something happen...? We can talk about it if you want...

Bianca: [She looks at him, more of a nervous wreck than he's ever seen. OH DEAR ME, DOES HE KNOW I WANT TO BE STARS? IS THIS ABOUT THE MILKMAN? DOES HE KNOW ABOUT MISTER CRASH N. BURN? IS HE ANGRY? IS HE SECRETLY ICHOR AGAIN? A tree wastes away behind her before blowing away like dust in the wind.] What... what... what would we talk about? Nothing has happened. Especially not on Halloween.

Pulse: [;u; was that another tree just... Turning to dust] You... I mean... If you’re that sure...? Wait... Halloween...? You... Uhh... What were you up to on Halloween...? Did you go into the woods or something...?

Bianca: [Ah. Halloween. The redirect has failed.] Halloween was... [She rubs her arm.] Halloween was extremely nice. I met a princess, the vomit hobo, and I got a wand from Mister Sigil. [She rubs her arm again.]

Pulse: Oh! That sounds so nice! Heh... You met Tracy? Did he give you a bullet too? [He laughs a bit, and reaches down into his bag, pulling the one bullet he got from Tracy out of it] Heh... I dunno if he really gets Halloween, but...

Bianca: [An opportunity to redirect!] Oh... yes, Mister Valentine was quite kind. He gave me a bullet as well. I deposited it... in Ichor. [She looks to her shoulder once more and frowns in confusion.] He... had a weird energy about him.

Pulse: Tracy does have an odd energy... Heh... But he's nice enough, honestly! He's just weird! He uhh... [He lowers his voice quite a bit] He gave me a gun... I traded with him...!

Bianca: Oh. I do not know if Mr. Valentine should be arming people. But at least you have protection now. [She leans forward.] Why are we whispering?

Pulse: I... I don't know if he should either, really...? But... Yeah, everyone else seems to have one, and... I'm not... Very strong... And stuff has seemed sorta weird and dangerous lately... So... [He pauses, and looks around a bit] I don't want my dad to know that I have it... He'd just take it away again...

Bianca: Pulse, you are very strong. Not every strength has to deal with violence. [Oh, friendship or the law? Friendship.] I can definitely keep that secret or maybe even erase the memory from my mind if you do not want me to ever tell him.

Pulse: I... I guess... I just... Felt like such a damsel in distress during the cursed fruit-fight... I didn't know what to do to help... [He sighs, before his eyes widen slightly, and he shakes his head] N-no no! You... You shouldn't do that for me. I trust that you wouldn't say it, even though you know...

Bianca: You were not though. [She frowns and bounces slightly.] You gave me the power of friendship and did that big magic yell. You were not a damsel at all.

Pulse: I... I don't know how I did that though... And I was really scared... So many things happened... Your portals... I think something tried to come out of one of them...?

Bianca: [She freezes. Portal? He couldn't possibly mean... She slowly turns.] A... something... that came out of my portal? -She pales.- Was... was it white?

Pulse: [He nods a bit] Yeah... It... Kinda like... Told me not to say anything about it... So I haven't before now... But...

Bianca: [She actually grabs him.] Did... did he threaten you?

Pulse: [Small yelp] Uh... It... I don't know...? I don't think so...? He just kinda... Was there... I guess...?

Bianca: [She lets go.] I see. My apologies, Pulse. He knows you exist now.

Pulse: That's... Kinda ominous... What... What does that mean...? Who is he...?

Bianca: [She's sweating more than she ever has. Which for her... isn't a lot.] He's the Milkman.

Pulse: ... The Milkman...? It... Who is that...? He... Doesn't sound very dangerous...

Bianca: [She pokes her fingers together.] Well... he is a large voidian entity that... has been following me for a while. He is trying to get into this plane and he does not like me very much.

Pulse: O-oh no... I... That's awful... Why does he not like you...? I... Can I help you with that? Can I help keep him out? Or away from you?

Bianca: [There's the tiny smile in an attempt to comfort him.] I believe that he is upset for what I did to save the world as I may have... made a rift in the spirit realm. I am not sure if I could explain it properly. In fact... I do not completely understand why he's after me. [There's a sudden tension.] You cannot really do anything against him. He can find me. He can follow me. He messes with my emotions and makes it hard to sleep at night. [Her eyes darken.] I am a complete and utter mess, knowing that at any second... [She holds her bag close.]

Pulse: [He sets his own bag down and hugs her tightly.] Shh... Bianca it’s okay... I’m... I could hang out with you more...! We could have sleepovers... I... I probably can’t protect you, but... Maybe I can help you feel better...? That could be nice, right...?

Bianca: That does sound nice..., but numbers will not completely save me. He may hurt you to get to me. And I do not know if I am okay with that. [She stares at the ground.] I appreciate it, Pulse, but he is a lot to deal with. [She wants to change the subject, but is a little confused about how to do that.] But... if you're willing to stay by my side, then that tells me I've found a true friend. [Her arms glow brightly.]

Pulse: ... I want to stay with you though... You’re my best friend... I... I’m sorry, but... I’d feel terrible if you got hurt and I didn’t do anything to try and help... Even if I can’t do much...

Bianca: [She deeply blushes and her arms are fucking Christmas trees. This was gonna be difficult.] Yeah, you are my best friend... too. You... should not get hurt either. [There's a long pause and she tries to give him a small smile.] I... I... I would like to remain friends.

Pulse: ... I... Y-yeah, we should remain friends. O-of course we should... Heh... [He makes a small smile, and pulls back a bit from the hug to look at her.] I’ll always be your friend, Bianca! No matter what!

Bianca: [The pain is back. Like the irrational depression with Son Boy, the bizarre fear with Areil, and the strange joy with Nadihya. It hurts. Like all the emotions. It's a good hurt, but still. She clutches the stars in her pockets.] Pulse... perhaps we can... go sit down and trade candy.

Pulse: [He looks concerned. Very concerned. But he suppresses the urge to ask her about it. He keeps his chipper little smile] ... If you wanna do that, then sure! Let’s trade some candies! [He looks around in his duffle bag, and finds a blanket, that he proceeds to spread out on the ground.] There... Now it’s even more picnic-y!

Bianca: [She follows Pulse, sweating a lot more than she wants to be. She hurts... more than she normally did. The emotions radiate inside with each step. She has to tell him, but her tongue catches. She sits down on the blanket as her bag of candy spills out on the blanket.] Ummm... Pulse... do you... do you... What's your favorite type of candy?

Pulse: Hmmm... I like chocolate a lot... I think lollipops are my favourites though! [He grins a bit, but he really is just very concerned right now] ... What about you? Do you have a favourite type of candy?

Bianca: [An idea comes to her. Maybe this was the way she could... start this.] Ummm... I believe I like konpieto. It is a Japanese candy that was in Super Luigi Galaxy. You could shoot them at people with motion controls. There is another name they go by... but it escapes me. [She gives a small side-eye to Pulse, hoping he understood.]

Pulse: [Blink blink. Pulse does not understand this] Hmm...? Uhhh... I don’t think I know about those! Sorry! Maybe you could draw one or something? Or we could play that game you’re talking about!

Bianca: [She blinks at him a few times as her anxiety mounts a little. Somewhere in an alleyway, a trashcan vanishes from existence, depositing a vomit hobo on the ground.] Oh... I could draw it. [She begins to sketch a konpieto and then shows it to him.] They are like this.

Pulse: Oooh! Hmm... I don’t think I have any of those... [He reaches into his duffle bag again, and fishes out a bag of candy. He looks around in that for a bit, before shaking his head] Hmm... Nooo... Sorry! They look really neat though!

Bianca: [Her eyebrow twitches slightly as another tree fucking melts into a pile of nothingness.] Yeah, they are really neat. [She tries a nervous smile.] They are known by another name where I come from. S-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s... [She seems stuck. Someone please help her. She's begin to turn a little red.] S-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s....

Pulse: [0n0 Oh no... More violence against the trees... Oh no oh no] B-Bianca! Are you okay??? [He grabs hold of her shoulders, and looks at her, very very concerned.] Is this your void-thing acting up again...? Bianca, t-take a deep breath. I'm right here. It's okay.

Bianca: [Pulse's presence gives her strength as all his friendship surges into her, unsticking her from her stuck state. Her arms glow intensely as she stares Pulse in the eyes.] S-s-Star Bits! [She realizes she yelled (which is really barely above her normal voice) and she quiets down.] Ummm... they're called star bits. In the game and where I'm from.

Pulse: [Oh, she’s back! He jumps a bit in surprise.] S-star bits? O-oh? Uhm... Cool! Heh... That’s a neat name. Uhm... Are you... Are you okay...? You seemed out of it...? What happened...?

Bianca: [She is definitely not okay. But she'll certainly act like she is.] I... was overwhelmed by emotions. Your friendship is so powerful... I lost myself. [She grips the bracelets. Come on, just tell him. Just... just do it. Just be direct.] Listen... I have something... I want to tell you. Or ask you. Something I wish to communicate. [She does her best to concentrate. This was a big moment. She'll just be direct. If she has to do this any longer, she's going to explode.] Pulse, I... [Her mouth catches as the panic begins to ache at her heart. As if responding to her panic, a huge portal rips open behind her in the shape of a star. Maybe that was too direct.]

Pulse: [Something finally clicks in Pulse's mind. The star bits... This portal... The nervousness... Everything... His eyes get big. He knows what this is. His face turns pink and he grins. That portal is kinda spooky, but that can't bother him right now at all. He takes her hands. His eyes are pretty much sparkling.] Bianca! Heh... I... I think I know what you want to ask... Do you... Do you want me to guess what your question is...? Is that what's wrong...? Are you scared of asking me...? You don't have to be, but... If you are, maybe I can help you?

Bianca: [Oh dear her. He's holding her hands. Friendship hand-holding. Her nervousness was a pulsating level of pain and the star portal collapses in on itself behind her making a sudden gust of wind as the air refills the gap when the portal had been.] Scared? Me? Help? You? [Everything's going wrong. She was too direct. She can't... She stares at him with dead black eyes.] You... Do not... I need to say it myself. It is important. I must... -She swallows, flickering in  and out of existence. Herdammit, she was messing this up.- I need to say it myself.

B-Bianca, you’re flickering! [He looks very concerned again now. Did he mess up? What happened there? He grabs hold of her shoulders, trying to maybe ground her a bit] I... O-okay, you can say it yourself! It’s fine! Don’t worry. Just... Take a deep breath. Try to be calm. It’s okay.

Bianca: [She takes a deep breath. Calm. Delete the anxiety if you need to. She doesn't know how she was going to do this. The world is shaking, but Pulse was in focus. She plays with the bracelets in her pockets. It gives her a focus, a way to remain calm.] Ummm... Pulse. You... you have been an excellent friend to me. Regardless of my... eccentricities, you have defended my sanity, trusted me with your secrets, and given me the determination to have faith in myself. You are... an irreplaceable friend. And... [She slowly takes out the bracelet meant for him, the black star hanging off of it.] I'd like it to stay that way. Will... [She feels a strange sensation inside of her heart. It's like a weirdly powerful happiness. It hurts, but she powers through.] Will you be my Star, Pulse Boss?

Pulse: A bracelet... Oh, it’s so pretty... [He took the bracelet and looked at it for a bit. He had guessed right. That was the question he had expected. That didn’t make him any less happy though! Tears began to well up in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but hug her now. He hugged her, and his wings fluttered, lifting both of them off the ground] Yes! Of course I will be your star Bianca! Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!

Bianca: [She is over the moon. Not literally, but yes. She's so happy. And it hurts. But it's a good hurt. A hurt she can work through. She gets teary-eyed. The emotions she generally has problems containing are hitting her full force, but the power of friendship hits harder. Her arms glow with this awesome power and Pulse can swear he sees a spiritual figure of a woman covered in the same markings that lies on Bianca's arms. She floats behind Bianca with a neutral expression on her face before she smiles at him and then fades.] We are Stars now, Pulse. We are Stars!

Pulse: We are! Ha ha! We are, we are, we areeee!!! [Pulse is laughing and smiling. He can’t remember when he was last this happy. Not because he was never happy, but because right now he was just so very very overjoyed. The floating lady confused him somewhat, but he couldn’t care too much right now. He certainly couldn’t be concerned. After a few more seconds of floating around, he sets her down again, and takes hold of her hands.] We are stars! I’m your star, and I’ll never ever stop being your star, Bianca! Never ever!

Bianca: [Holy shit, the pain. She feels the tears of joy flow from her eyes as she smiles a lot wider than she ever has. She bounces up and down in a muted, but powerful joy.] Do you mean that? Do you really mean that? Forever and ever?

Pulse: Of course I do! [He grins, and starts to bounce himself. There is so much happiness in his body right now, he feels like he might explode if he doesn’t use some of it up by bouncing] I wouldn’t lie about something like that! I wouldn’t lie about being your star!

Bianca: [She's bouncing in sync with Pulse now, her arms blinding with light.] I'm so happy. [Her bouncing slows as a thought enters her head.] Do... do we have to make some sort of promise now?

Pulse: A promise? [He pauses a bit, before nodding excitedly] We could do that!!! Sure!!!

Bianca: Ummm... Okay. [She sticks her pinkie out like Miss Mandie had told her before.] I believe this is the way people make promises. That or spitting in your hands and that is unsanitary. Or sake, but I cannot have liquor.

Pulse: [Nod nod! He sticks out his own pinkie] Heh... Yeah, the spitting is gross, and I’m not drinking, so... Heh. This is all good!

Bianca: [She slowly intertwines her pinkie with his.] Okay. As long as I am your star, which... is hopefully forever... I will do my best to keep you safe and make your existence a happy and delightful one. [There's a small pause.] Regardless of what Ichor says.

Pulse: Heh... Awww... A-and the same to you! I'll always be your star! And... I know I'm not very strong... But I'll try my best to keep you safe as well! And I'll be there for you when you need me, if you get sad or scared, I'll help you as much as I can! I'll cheer you up or calm you down, whichever one you need!

Bianca: [The words have been spoken. The pact has been made. Although neither child is quite aware of it, a ripple goes through the land of the void. Ichor, currently in timeout, makes two expressions: a frustrated annoyed face that turns into an evil smile. A tool for his Queen. Once both of them are done, Bianca smiles.] Thank you, Pulse.