Shipwrecked Event 1

2 years, 10 months ago

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The rain was pouring down from the grey sky, falling on a group of midveilers. Two silhouettes were detaching themselves from the group : two strudel way too young to be fighting. You could tell by their look that they were twins, browns and beiges markings all over their bodies. The brown twin was bearing a large sword made of a black metals, and the light beige twin was using it's magical staff to stay up. Even multiple midveilers couldn't defeat this monster. It suddently appeared from the deepest part of the sea, from a place that no one knew until now. Since it appeared it hasn't stopped raining in this part of Midveil, near the ocean and coasts. The monster was bigger than any creatures the twins had seen. It was covered in wrats and it's dull green and blue-ish color has started building fear in the coast inhabitants, so much that they all flee and asked for helped from everyone in Midveil. Many great fighter and wizard came to the coast, even from the farest lands, and everyone started to fight the monster. People started to call it the Kraken.

A new wave came right on the group of midveilers. Brynn created a small magic shield to protect them and their brother from the cold water. The poor strudel was exhausted. They've spent most of their times protecting other midveilers, from the freezing cold waves or from the monster's attacks. Brynn was asked to stay behind to help protecting others, but their adventurous and loyal behavior toward their brother made them come on the front line to stay near Mell. Mell was exhausted too, but way too excited to fight this mosnter to care about it. Using his magic onyx sword to fight, he even managed to cut some of the monster's tentacles ! Light wounds were covering the strudel's arms, having been take care by Brynn earlier. Waiting for the Kraken to come back to the surface, Mell felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around and seeing the worrying look on Brynn's face, he knew something was wrong.

- Brynn ? Are you ok ?

- I'm feeling too weak to stay on the front line. You must be tired too. Please, come rest with me.

Staring for a second at the unleashed ocean in front of him, Mell nodded. Putting his onyx sword back it it's sheath, the object magicaly changed size to fight the small pocket. The wins made their way through the crowd, being smaller than some midveilers was nice to get away quickly.

It took some minutes for them to arrive behind the lines. Brynn made sure that Mell had a nice spot to rest as well as some food, before walking toward the infirmary. They were hoping they could help some midveilers while being here, hating to be useless. Mell looked around him. Some midveilers were whispering at each other, probably preparing some kind of huge attack on the Kraken. The rain was still pouring on the various tents.