Time off

2 years, 9 months ago

Ben had never been one for social events, but this just felt right. He really wanted to go! Paperwork in hand from the last funeral converse, he makes his way to his boss to ask for some time off, something unexpected slips under his fingers.

Drabble for the KB event :)

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Ben had never been one for social events, but this just felt right. He really wanted to go! Paperwork in hand from the last funeral converse, he makes his way to his boss to ask for some time off, something unexpected slips under his fingers.

Word gets around, Ben knew there was going to be something going on soon. There always was, but his self pity never let him leave his resting place. So apparently there was going to be a special event taking place at this years festival? The only reason he knew of this celebration was his witch taking her son with them to it. He didnt enjoy it, social things weren't his forte. But it made the boy happy. Afterall, these formalities were always intended for some sort of entertainment as he would grow to know. He had always taken the child to alot of things, and he usually got a lot of oohs and ahs. But he wasn't here, he had passed on quite a bit ago.

Taking his papers in hand from a late lawsuit against the funeral parlor, he also took his lucky pen and stuck it behind his ear. With that, the Kallitrix sent a glance to his boss' office. He had never been a rude owner, but he was rough at times. Atleast he knew of what Ben had gone through, and usually cut the guy some slack. With a few swift motions, he was now into his office. Like some sort of cliché evil boss, almost in queue the man spun around on his chair to flash Ben a smile. He knew he wasnt here for some stupid reason, so he asked.

```Are you here for something, Ben?```

The Kallitrix nodded and avoided eye contact rather avidly, his head swaying to anything that could hold his attention for more than a minute, plants, papers- it eventually settled on a coffee cup, which was soon lifted up and taken a sip out of.

```I'd um..like to take some time off```

```Thats alright. Just use your holiday you have saved up. Also, finish those papers on your desk```

With a small gesture to his desk in the back of the office, a bits away from his current standing- Ben was out to go finish the papers he'd been assigned to do. It was the least he could manage, nobody wanted to work with him. Well, nobody wanted to work specifically in a funeral parlor. The most dreadful place to exist in such a bustling modern city full of magic and the like. Sitting down at the seat, he began to filter through quite a bit of paperwork. It wasn't all bad news involving the parlor, just slight complaints about staff and the like.

Something slipped into his hand, a note? Possibly. Sometimes sticky notes were slapped onto these papers to remind someone like him. But no. It was a small, somewhat coffee stained looking envelope. It didnt look big, maybe like-really downsized from the normal. Taking off the seal, he opened it gingerly and pulled out a ticket. It looked almost the same to the envelope, minus the coffee stains. Oddly, it fit him very well, and he actually liked it. This seemed custom made. And the fact that it probably was warmed his heart, did he have a secret admirer? Thats what he thought until he took a glance at the writing on the front.