Seeking the truth

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
1 1913

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

Valerian embarks on a personal quest of hers but isn’t aware of those using her for their own

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Author's Notes

Valerian must get a meeting with the Cyphon but that means meeting with Malice. 

Malicious intent

Valerian didn’t often leave her cottage, when she did it was for research purposes or supply gathering that required her specific expertise. She had Echo, Suki, Luna and Astrophel afterall to do these types of tasks for her, she really had no need to venture outside of her comfort zone unless something very specific required her to do so. Recently those specifics had been thanks to owing Aphex, something she doesn't often like to leave open but she’d made these deals years ago and only now had to pay the price, besides the most recent wasn’t too bad. Taliesin, quiet possibly the most powerful Aphex this side of the continent wanted her of all people to acquire affliction items for him, Valerian honestly couldn’t see why the bastard couldn’t go himself when all he does is play toddler with his Dephx companion, honestly the two of them were children, they’d managed to glitter bomb her cottage! She didn’t understand how Huxley put up with them, or how Dominic let Hux put up with them.. She didn’t even want to begin to think on who else she owed favours too, Taliesin was one thing but beings like Celeste were another, she certainly didn’t want to face the blessed cyphon right about now, not with what she was about to do, or more so who she was about to see. 

Malice was a, interesting individual to say the least, he was a cruel Aphex with his claws in the dark arts and others, using all those who came to him like puppets, nothing short of what Corvus would do but Malice had friends in all the wrong places, she knew he worked under someone but didn’t know who, but it was those friends Valerian needed to see, so she had to go to him first. 

They’d had a few run ins before her and Malice, each time he’d give her some horrendous form of a compliment, each time Valerian left after threatening to destroy everything he’d ever had his claws in, it wasn’t so much a win win situation but they both made it out to the other side. She honestly despised the Aphex, he was vile, crude and blatantly arrogant, she’d prefer to have dealings with Corvus and that was saying something but Malice knew beings, far more than Corvus and there was one specific being she needed to talk with. 

Making her way through Yellowseed always made Val feel slightly on edge, this place was disgusting to say the least, their so-called Shrike King was a mockery to the kingdoms of Elyxium, building this place on the blood of slaves and the innocent? Pathetic. Of course this was where Malice would choose to call home. Nobody spared her a second glance thankfully, the cloak she’d adorned had runes stitched into the fabric to make her seem invisible in the sense that you wouldn’t bother to remember who she was upon glancing at her, it was a simple incantation and one she always wore when going far from her coven. The people here weren't all bad but they certainly weren’t to be trusted either. 

She made her way through the streets swiftly, knowing exactly where to go having been here so many times and soon came to the dark wooded manor Malice called home. Guards stood outside and eyed her wearily as she walked up the cobblestone steps. 

“Do you have business here miss?” One of the guards, a Xeode asked as he looked down at her, Valerian could tell instantly that they must’ve had some form of affliction nulling ability as they looked straight at her compared to the other guard who seemed a bit more skeptical of the situation.

“I am Valerian Blackthorn, I believe your master would’ve mentioned my comings” She said simply, not bothering with pleasantries. 

“Very well Lady Blackthorn, you know the way” The Xeode grumbled as he held the door on his side open for her to walk through before closing it behind her. Of course she knew where to go, she’d been in this stupid place enough times already. Throwing her clock onto the hat stand by the door she straightened herself up, ignoring the rather lavish and fancy interior of the manor and instead heading straight to the meeting room she knew was just on the left. 

“Valerian my sweet, it is always a pleasure to gaze upon such beauty” A voice like silk spoke as soon as Valerian entered the room, Malice sat behind his ebony desk with his fingers threaded together in front of him. He looked the same as usual, curled horns adorned with jewellery and an immaculate but rather tacky colourful suit pressed and pristine on his lithe body. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

“I am not your sweet, cut the bullshit Malice” Valerian grounded out before clearing her throat and straightening herself, she refused to sit in the chair before his desk, opting to stand just behind it, giving herself more room between them, allure knows they needed it. “You are aware of why I am here, I sent a letter before my arrival, surely you aren’t that busy that you haven’t had the chance to read it?”

Malice hummed as he sat back in his chair, crossing his thin legs over one and other as he regarded Valerian. “I did indeed, what you seek doesn’t come cheap you know, Verosika would be dreadfully angry with me if I didn’t get something in return” Valerian placed a bet that he would be grinning if he could. The mentioning of her estranged sister almost made her flinch but she tried not to show it, of course he’d gone and told her, he knew exactly how to play her and push her buttons, honestly she was surprised Vero wasn’t here acting as a guard for him just to unsettle her further.

“Verosika isn’t the boss of you” Valerian held her ground, glaring daggers at the deep purple Aphex who merely chuckled at her response. 

“No, no someone far more worthy of your concern is but that isn’t who you are here for, you want the Cyphon, why?” He enquired which caused Valerian to tut loudly.

“It was explained in my letter which you said you read-“ She started but Malice held up a hand, reluctantly she held her words, this was his place after all, she didn’t know who lurked within the walls. 

“I did read your letter, I know you my sweet little witch” He purred as he lent forward in his chair. “Seeking out a Cyphon is one thing but you requested a specific cursed individual, why was that?” Valerian just scoffed at him and crossed her arms, but before she could speak Malice spoke up once again. “Could it be your personal research? Ah yes I remember vaguely you wanted to learn about the fundamentals of this world and what happened to the humans and how to prevent that from happening to the Aphex, how did you say, the bones told you so?” 

“Do not speak of magic you don’t understand” Valerian almost growled out at him, somewhere in her mind she was telling herself that she knew better, he was trying to get a rise out of her but that part was being shoved aside right now and her polite demeanour was faltering, even her snake tails were starting to snap at the air. 

“What’s more amusing about it is I arranged the meeting for the two of you, the Cyphon that is but you know, my master is very curious of you Valerian, he would just love to meet you” He continued to push her into reacting, a smug look plastered across his face. 

“Tell your boss if he wants me he knows how to get into contact with me, I’m here for the Cyphon not him” She challenged him back, glaring at him when he chuckled and sat back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. 

“Oh how he would love this hidden spunk of yours, too bad it only comes out with the worst of you, perhaps I’ll accompany him when he wishes to meet you, show him the real you” 

“The real me” Valerian scoffed and now it was her time to cross her arms. “What on earth is that supposed to mean?”

Malice hummed, fidgeting with one of his rings idly as he refused to look at her momentarily as he thought. “Oh you know, the demeanour of this polite and strong witch oh wait sorry I mean facade” His eyes flickered up to hers. “I know you possess little magical abilities without those runes of yours, that’s why you teach and learn because you can’t do anything, you’re really interesting you know” He stood slowly using his hands to push him up. “Behind the charm, the intellect, you push beyond all of that and you know what Valerian” He tilted his head slightly, waiting for her to respond. 


“You’re exactly the same as those you seek to destroy” As soon as the words left his metaphoral mouth Valerian struck him, punched him square in the face as she panted heavily, when had she started holding her breath? Malice just laughed darkly and seemed to lavish in the pain, he held his arms wide and looked at her dead in the eyes. “Come on, show me your true colours Val”

“Fuck you Malice” She almost spat as she turned and left the room which was filled with Malice’s deep laugh. 

“The Cyphon will see you soon!” He called out just before the door slammed shut.

“What did I tell you, she isn’t as she appears” Malice spoke to what seemed to be thin air as he sat back in his chair, crossing his legs over one and other once more. A deep hum came from the opposite side of the room, just beyond where Valerian was previously standing. A large being slithered out of the darkness they’d magically concealed themselves in, Alioth. His own snakes snapped at the air as he moved closer to where Valerian was, seemingly studying the point of view she had of Malice. 

“You believe she is special?” The serpentine Aphex spoke, finally casting a heavy gaze onto Malice who tried not to squirm away at his master's full attention.

“Master I assure you, she knows more than she will ever willingly say, I hope that by giving her the Cyphons knowledge she will grow more agitated with what she seeks and it’ll be a matter of time before she acts out, then we will find what we’ve been searching for all this time” Malice said as boldly as someone who was literally staring death in the face could, Alioth wasn’t to be trifled with, especially not with this.

“Good, I hope this idea of yours works Malice” Alioth simply looked down at him before turning and slithering away, Malice let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding only for Alioth to stop in his tracks, looking over his shoulder. “Do not disappoint me” Malice could only nod frantically before Alioth turned and finally left the room.
