
2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
2 592

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

Abouts Cult Academy Veit and Mika and how they know each other, includes other information and their in-server introductions

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Hello Veit

Name: Veit
Pronouns: They / He
Age: 20
Which Deity do you worship and why:
        'I worship the Egg, I've never really felt at home anywhere and the egg offered me friendships and people who actually care about me and each other.'

Positive Personality Traits:
-Incredibly Protective of those he has grown to care about
-He'll happily listen to anyone talk for hours
-Incredibly loyal almost to a fault.

Negative Personality Traits:
-He finds it hard to actually start communicating with other people
-They're a bit of a pushover, often falling into line if pressure becomes too much
-Can snap in anger if pushed for too long.

Favourite thing about the Academy:
     'I really appreciate the range of people here, so many different people in one place with different beliefs that seem to get along most of the time.'

'I have wings though I cannot fly with them, the best and only real use I have for them is to show off with them, at the best I can glide a little bit. Other then that I'm basically a regular person, I can also make these wings disappear into my back which is a more practical way to have them'

He doesn't actually know his origin and what he's made up off, he's not too bothered to learn if he's honest.
They are in fact a mis-pigmented Piglin / Phantom Hybrid
This mis-pigmentation caused the golden wings (that turned red at the tips after joining the egg) as well as the large chunks of pure black melanism on his skin. This mutation happened as he's a couple of generations back of being a pure hybrid due to how the world now is.

How he found out about the Academy:
They technically come from a family of egg worshippers who themselves heard of the academy. He was taken in by them, a sort of unofficial adoption, and are Mika's biological family, he spent a lot of time growing up with them. He see's Mika as a younger brother and someone who he wants to guide into being more confident then he is, and he was rather glad when Mika joined him at the academy too, following the egg.