Rain or Shine

2 years, 10 months ago

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Ryukyu stretched out her wings to catch the heat from the sun. Sunny days were always the best in her opinion. When she had time off it was always nice to just find a large, warm rock and enjoy the heat. It was mostly quiet as well because the majority of Rewritten Fates either did their best to find cool places during the heat or were out doing jobs. Now she liked her guildmates of course, but some time away from them was always nice to have. They were a lot to deal with after all.

Suddenly she felt the heat from the sun vanish. She cracked an eye open and looked up, mildly annoyed. There was a wing being held over her and Tempest smiled at her apologetically while their wisps floated around nervously. “Sorry, it’s funny to watch your reactions. Plus if you’re out here too long you’ll burn.” They reminded. 

She huffed but got up from her spot anyway. Unfortunately they were right. “Why must the sun feel so nice but be so potentially dangerous.” She lamented.

Tempest laughed. “It’s just how it is I suppose.” They closed their eyes for a moment, presumably to soak in some heat themselves. “It’s nice, but I’ve always prefered the rain.”

Ryukyu rolled her eyes. “I know. You’re supposedly the responsible one here but you always come back soaked whenever it rains. It’s a miracle you’ve never gotten sick.”

“Mmmm a fair point I guess. Though just because I’m the one who stops the rest of you from doing stupid things doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun. There’s no harm in it; I always make sure to warm up and dry off after as needed.” They responded, smiling. Their wisps floated around them happily. “Plus Deluge, Flash, and Gust all like the rain as well.” Said wisps cuddled up to Tempest.

She gave them a deadpan look. “I fail to understand how three creatures literally made of fire can enjoy water in any way.”

They shrugged. “Because they’re mine? Who knows.” They squinted their eyes in thought. “To be fair I’m not sure either. Regardless though, we should get you out of the sun for a little bit.”

Ryukyu huffed again but did begin following Tempest to some shade. As much as she enjoyed the sun it was good to take breaks in between her sunbathing. She had managed to burn herself in the past. Tempest had been nice about it and helped treat them, though it had been annoying to be restricted to bed rest for a week each time. Tempest was nothing if not careful about all their health.

Ryukyu scowled through the flap of her tent at the rain. Rain always complicated everything. She spotted a few of the others running around, some clearly geared up to go out and some just trying to get to somewhere else in camp. 

She padded away from the opening and looked over at one of the maps laid out on the table. There would likely be some rescues she'd have to do after things let up a little bit. Animals always seemed to get themselves trapped or stuck after heavy rainfall. 

As she poured over the maps to figure out which areas she should check first, she failed to notice Tempest slip their head in. "You should come out and enjoy the rain for a bit."

She startled, nearly knocking all the maps off the table she was leaning against, and whipped her head around to look at the already soaked form of Tempest. Their wisps floated over to her happily; all of them were noticeably dimmer than usual. "Why did you feel the need to scare me like that?" Ryukyu asked, glaring at Tempest.

Tempest shrugged their wings as the wisps continued to make happy circles around her head. "Come out and enjoy the rain. You shouldn't stay cooped up in here all day."

"Unlike you I don't like getting cold and wet." She shot back.

They tilted their head. "I mean, it can't be that bad for you. I imagine the water runs off your scales and your fur is far too short to really hold any water. What's the harm?"

She glances up at the wisps that had stopped in their circling to give her pleading looks. She quickly looked away, but the damage was already done. "Fine. I'll join you for a few minutes."

Tempest smiled and pulled their head out of the tent, the wisps following. Ryukyu poked her head out and was immediately wet. Much to her chagrin the rain had not let up at all yet. She pulled her wings tight to her body and trudged out to meet Tempest who was prancing around with their wings thrown wide. The wisps were darting from under the cover of their wings out into the rain. 

They smiled once they spotted her approach. "See? Not that bad."

Ryukyu was sure they were ignoring her clearly dejected appearance. Tempest themself was drenched. Their fur was matted down from the water and she was willing to bet that their wings were too wet to be able to fly right now. Not that flying in this type of storm was a good idea anyway.

"Oh don't look so put out. It's water. It's good for you." Tempest chided, smiling as they walked closer and held a wing over Ryukyu.

She did her best to shake off some of the water, thankfully Tempest didn't seem to mind, before answering. "Just because it's good for me doesn't mean I have to like it." She muttered.

Tempest shook their head fondly. "If it makes you feel better I'll come with you later when you do your rounds."

She perked up. It would be nice to have someone to help out. Things were always rough after big storms. "That…. would make me feel better yeah." She paused. "Thanks."

"It's the least I can do since you're humoring me and doing something outside of your comfort zone." Tempest said, smiling. "For now though…" they suddenly removed their wing and started running through camp. "Try and keep up! Consider it training if you want to or just let loose and have some fun!"

Ryukyu once more found herself drenched, but it didn't feel as bad as before as she ran after Tempest.