When He fell

2 years, 10 months ago
2 years, 10 months ago
1 193

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 10 months ago

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The fall

There was once a grand war in the realm of mankind, as every heavenly and every shadowy creature was pendient on the unfoldment of this tragic period, he was summoned by the lesser side of the battle to be the aid of the wounded soldiers; in the act he answered the prayers request and descended into the world of man.

With the aid of the creatures that crawled from the dark depths, three quarters of the army he was called upon to protect, were despided of their lives in the blink of an eye.

He froze in his place in awe with eyes wide open. Time seemed to have slowed down during this ruthless act. He could not belive it; where had the humanity of those enemy warriors had gone to?

Honor and mercy had left the battlefield to the hands of the ruthless.

In him, a rage of injustice and despair of the weak had rose up to it's limits.

He would not stand still and have compassion to the ruthless man.

In that moment he fell in his saintity.

In that moment, he decided to make justice with his own hands.