
2 years, 10 months ago
364 2

my tos for commissions, trades, raffles, owning my designs, etc

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- gore_soda, r4tg0r3, ferretwheel, also goes by emmett ;; can't own any of my designs for whatever reason

- biscuit-


- do not exchange/sell/trade or offer any of my designs offsite (specifically scratch and amino)

- if I find that my characters are hidden/deleted from me and I try to contact you, failing to respond or have a valid reason will result in you being blacklisted and/or having those specific characters reuploaded

- do not sell any of my designs for more than it's worth unless there is attached art

- I'm alright if you take inspiration from clothing or themes from my design as I don't own accessories, but if I see that you're directly taking elements or basically redrawing one of my designs and claiming it as your own you will be blacklisted unless it's a misunderstanding or you have an excuse

- designs that have no value (obtained through design trades and other things) cannot be sold for more than 1000 points 

- if you plan on quitting or deleting one of my designs, I'd really appreciate it if you could return them to me :]

- if you redesign a character I've given to you, just credit me for the original concept! ^ ^


- do not trace my art when creating artwork for your own character

- if you use my art in your profile picture/banner/character icon, direct credit is appreciated but won't result in a block or anything big (although it doesn't mean you shouldn't)

- if you use my art that's given to you specifically offsite, please credit any of my accounts on there or my toyhouse account

- if you cannot complete a trade with me without a reason or alternative payment if i've already completed my side, you will be excused if I haven't released my part to you

- you can only edit my artwork only to show alternative color palettes for your own character, credit is still required

failing to follow these terms will result in me being more tent with you when it comes to trades and offers to being blacklisted depending on the severity