A matter of ones ambitions

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
1 547

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

The Vison Hunt decree has gotten more aggressive within the past days, and Haga isn't sure if he can withstand these brutal attacks to many of the forces within the resistance. So, he does the only thing he knows how to do. Be ignorant.

In which Haga accidentally saves a familiar looking Electro vison bearer.

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Seven archons, Seven deadly nations.

Within the in-depth society of the resistance, lies a rather lazy and poor vison bearer. Although skilled at his craft and many other things, one is not good at keeping his cool during these situations.

Haga flipped his spear over nonchalantly and examined it, carefully rubbing some of the plack and dirt off the tips. He always got this dirty during combat, and he liked the way the vibrant red of it shined when cleaned. So that's what he did, until he was snapped out of it by General Gorou, the one person he somewhat respects in the ranks. Of course, not as much as her highness. In other words, he would've listened to the Kitsunes usual blabber if it werent for the same information being relayed to him over and over again.

``Our forces are dwindling, numbers are low.``

He knew what this would come to, usually an eventual favor of some sort to help on the battlefront. Of course, these were always declined by the Geo holder. Doing someone elses bidding wasn't something he planned to do, so as soon as he was dismissed after the usual conversation with Gorou, he instantly began to descent to the familiar beaches of the island. Albeit dangerous at times due to the Vison hunt decree, he still enjoyed the presence of the waves. Sometimes he could hear the bustle of the mouth of the harbor down at Liyue. He had let this memory sweep from his mind for quite a while now, but this always brought him back to him.

Inazuma had so many promises that lacked actual resolution. The Vison hunt decree was slowly building up on his back, and he wasnt sure how long he could take it. Hell, they could've already found their base just now and might be invading.

A loud bang snapped the man out of his thoughts as his head whirled around, there lay a somewhat conscious electro bearer surrounded by enforcers of the decree. Normally, he wouldn't engage- but today he was feeling practically angry at the Raiden Shogun and her 'Eternity' prophecy, so he decided to do just that. After a second or two of mindless staring, he felt his body moving into action as he ran over and flung the soliders in the air, a small breeze catching onto the bearer. As they continued to engage with him, he accidentally began to metaphorically tango with them, taking steps back, going forward at an alarming rate, and as such. By using his elemental burst, he had completely wiped out the entirety of the small enemy group.

Once the electro vison holder seemed to regain conscious in the slightest, (moving) he slowly looked down at them with a small smile. Yes, that was quite effortless on his part, then again- the moves of the soldiers that fought for the decree were all so boringly taught you could tell what they would do. Although, for a bit he was not able to understand how they had taken this guy down so easily. He could see a small flash of fear in their eyes before it dullened into a stare, this was actually.quite awkward. With a flick of the wrist, his spear dissapeared into some unknown place.

``I'm not with the Shogun.``