What Remains

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
3 12090

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

Explicit Violence

"In the deep, in the dark
I will tell you, the very start
Before we cried, before we lost
And all the lives, that this cost."


What Remains is an alternative universe (AU) based on outertale and dust-tale. Please check the tags before reading!

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Author's Notes

It was a delight to write this world, get to know all these new characters, give them life and meaning just to slowly take it all apart.  Hope you all enjoy this adventure as much as I did making it.

Anyway, here is a new AU! Lock your seatbelts, keep your arms in at all times, and don't forget to have fun!

-//- Broken time flow
-- Continuous time flow

General Information


Gaster -> Cosmos
Cosmos Natural Magic -> Violet with darker shades of purple and pink
Cosmos Lore

Cosmos is a very dedicated dad. He loves his family more than anything in the world and does his best to separate his work from his personal life. He is the head of the Science Department for the government, always willing to go beyond in his research to improve the quality of life for monsters.

He met Gamma back on Earth, even back then he was the owner of a bar that was very popular amongst the lab personnel. Cosmos like all the others was a regular, he isn't sure why the bartender picked him of all people, but he is eternally grateful for it.

They married in summer, and only a few months later Cosmos found himself pregnant with their first child. While it hadn't been in their plans to have a baby this soon, they were very excited to have a new member in their small family.

The couple did everything they could to prepare for the new addition, but no one could imagine how complicated the pregnancy would be, almost taking Cosmos's life in the process. Thankfully Aphelion learned of what was happening and did everything in his reach to make sure they would have the best outcome possible.

Comet was born very small and fragile compared to most monsters newborns, but he was perfect in his parent's eyes. They gave him the best care monster kind could provide, what with the two rules being his godparents was a lot, Aurora going as far as being a babysitter for the little one when Cosmos and Gamma were too busy or needed a break.

Not too long after that, monsters decided to move to the asteroid belt that would later be known as Outerspace, where their life was turned upside down for quite some time until the whole population settled in their new home.

After all the chaos was done, the couple felt they were ready for a second child. Comet was not happy with their decision, used to being spoiled down to his little soul, the then five years old was very loud about his opinion on the matter, not that Gamma and Cosmos listened, but they still tried to appease the child as much as possible.

Nebula was thankfully much healthier than his sibling, another reason Comet was very hurt by his mere existence. Though as the years passed he learned to appreciate his brother and the two are now basically inseparable.

Grillby -> Gamma
Gamma Natural Magic -> Wine red, with wisps of orange and yellow. Has white and blue hues when angry.
Gamma Lore

Gamma was and will always be a bar owner if it depends on him. His whole family was in the food business, he didn't go far from his roots when he started his food joint back on Earth.

Among all of his regulars, a tall awkward skeleton always captured his attention when he visited, his presence lifting his spirits as no other could. When he dared to ask him out for a date, he hadn't expected the other to say yes.

He still couldn't believe his luck when years later he found himself married to this same skeleton, they had to battle hard to conquer their independence, but it was worth every struggle to be together.

Gamma didn't believe he could love his husband any more than he already did, but was proven wrong when their first child was born. He was simply an amazing dad and every day with his family was a completely new experience he wouldn't change for anything in the world.

Even moving from Earth didn't put a damper on his mood, things were chaotic for a while but after everything was done with, he was eager to increase his family even more. Comet gave them a little trouble in the beginning, but eventually loved his little brother and did everything for him as any older sibling would.

Sans -> Comet
Comet Natural Magic -> Can be any shade of blue and purple, varying with his emotions.
Comet After Corruption Magic -> Red, black, and orange that change intensity with his emotions.
Comet Lore

Comet was spoiled rotten since birth, having fragile health his parents and godparents were always hovering over him ready to provide anything his little soul ever wished for.

Things started to change once Aurora and Aphelion decided to have their own child, Comet was thrilled with the idea at the time. Someone around his age to play with and not steal the attention of his parents sounded perfect.

But he quickly learned babies were a lot more work than he anticipated, which is why when Gamma and Cosmos announced their decision to have a second child he was very much against the idea.

Of course, his parents didn't listen to his complaints and so Nebula was born. Being the older of the three Comet unconsciously assumed the role of a caretaker, always protecting the younger children and providing for them whenever the adults were too busy.

Probably one of the factors that made him decide to follow in his father's footsteps in the food business instead of joining the science department like his dad or the guard like his brother. He enjoyed being around people and caring for their needs to the best of his ability.

His ability as the Judge manifested in his early teen years, but Aphelion refused to make the knowledge public until he was way into adulthood, and only then did he start working in the government part-time. He was rarely called in for judgments, which is how he liked things to be.

Papyrus -> Nebula
Nebula Natural Magic -> Royal blue and orange, can be dark red when strained
Nebula Lore

Ever since he could remember, Nebula had always been surrounded by love, and a jealous yet strangely protective older brother. He never quite understood why the other child was so bitter of his presence, but as the years passed he started to notice little details in their household.

How careful everyone always was around Comet, the frequent doctor visits, late nights where he would find his parents whispering worriedly to each other as their older child fell sick yet again. Yet, Comet never let any of that affect him, he would always put Nebula and Azimuth needs first and foremost, doing everything he could to keep them safe without being restrictive like their parents.

The more they grew, the more Nebula admired his older brother, he never let anything hold him back no matter how others looked down on him. So despite Comet acting like he was the hero of the two, inside his soul Nebula would always disagree, knowing the real hero was his older brother.

In school, he made friends with a very extravagant fish girl who would always comment on her dream of joining the Security Force and fighting for monsterkind. She helped Nebula get out of his shell, and start being more forward with what he wanted in life.

The desire to protect his family as they had always protected him was the main reason he decided to join the Security Force, but the fact his friend was also joining most certainly helped him get enough confidence to apply. They were both approved, but while she quickly proved herself and climbed the ranks Nebula was satisfied being a simple guard, so he could still have time to dedicate to his parents and brother.

Undyne -> Umbra
Umbra Natural Magic -> Green, cream, and gold
Umbra Lore

She had always been an energetic child, running up the walls and driving her family insane with how much trouble she got herself in. Not that Umbra cared about any of that, she just did everything she could, at the same time all the time! It's not her fault no one could keep up with her thoughts- Oh look a star!

Her lack of focus and constant fidgeting with things brought her quite some problems in school, and she was held back a few years due to being unable to comprehend some things but she didn’t mind since being held back brought her the best friend ever! 

Nebula was just two years younger than her, and his mild behavior actually helped Umbra measure her own energy to not scare him away at first, and then to boost his confidence without overwhelming the poor skeleton. She considered him her sibling and together they got into all kinds of mischief, though Comet was never very far away making sure they were unharmed by whatever they decided to do.

The first time someone asked Umbra what she wanted to be when she grew up, she just laughed it off saying it was a surprise, but honestly, she had absolutely no idea what kind of activity would be able to keep up with her energy levels. That is until she heard about the Security Force.

Umbra was absolutely smitten by the whole idea of defending her people and being seen as a hero, which is why she gave one hundred and ten percent to being accepted into their ranks. The fact Nebula decided to join with her was just a bonus she very much appreciated, since his presence tended to mild her behavior a little bit.

As she proved to be a capable asset, she found herself climbing the ranks of the Security Force until she got to the position of her dreams, Commander of Outerspace Security Forces. Now she does everything in her reach to keep the population safe and make sure the law is respected as it should be, crime rates have never been so low in all of monsterkind history.

Alphys -> Albedo
Albedo Natural Magic -> Copper, silver and white
Albedo Mecha Suit -> Based on Avatar (James Cameron) AMP
Albedo Lore

Albedo was born in a prestigious family in Outerspace, they held high positions in the government as Head of the Education Department, as well as other less known things like professors, archeologists, historians. Her family was always responsible for preserving the monster's legacy in one way or the other.

She was always seen as the black sheep of the family, interested in science, movies, comic books, things that were not perceived as worthy in their eyes. But Albedo never cared about any of that.

Despite coming out as shy in a first impression, she is actually very fierce. Always willing to fight for what she wants and what she believes is right, which is how she landed herself as Cosmos direct assistant in the Science Department.

As she got closer to her boss, Albedo got to meet his family, and by meeting his family she eventually got to know Umbra. The two didn’t immediately hit off as friends, the fish monster was just too energetic for the scientist to immediately feel comfortable around her. But they had some common interests that helped to break the ice.

Their relationship developed slowly, and as of right now neither of them is sure on how it will keep growing, treating it as a simple friend with benefits situation until they feel more comfortable taking the next step forward.

Asgore -> Aphelion
Aphelion Natural Magic -> Green, orange, yellow and red
Aphelion Lore

As a boss monster, Aphelion has lived for many generations and had the luck to meet the love of his life in one of these many passing ages. He can’t remember a time Aurora hadn’t been by his side, the two of them simply fit together like two puzzle pieces, perfect for each other.

They held the monster race together, keeping the peace with the humans as best as they could, things were not always perfect, but they reached some kind of balance. Their civilizations grew for many years until humans started blaming Earth’s poor condition on the Monsters.

Aphelion and Aurora then decided it was time to leave before they reached a point of no return, making a new home for monsters in the safety of an asteroid belt. Starting over is never easy but together and with the help of a few friends they managed to get through this turbulent time.

The two of them had never considered expanding their family until Gamma and Cosmos had their first child. Comet was a true delight to have around, and the couple found themselves wishing for a baby to call their own, so when the little skeleton completed three years of age, Azimuth was born.

Their son changed everything, becoming the center of their world. Despite their chaotic schedules they always did their best to find some time to dedicate to the little prince as they liked to call him.

Azimuth grew into a strong independent adult that would do anything for his people, Aphelion and Aurora couldn’t be prouder of him.

Toriel -> Aurora
Aurora Natural Magic -> Baby blue and violet
Aurora Lore

Aurora was always the strong link in her relationship. When under pressure she was always the one to step forward to control the situation while Aphelion used his charisma to keep the population spirits up. 

So it should be no surprise that she was the one that made the decision to leave Earth with their people. Aphelion had been too scared of facing repercussions and how they would survive in a completely new place ignoring the fact that monsters can adapt to any environment as long as they can absorb magic from it.

She tried to convince her husband it was for the best, but eventually just took the decision from his hands and organized everything behind his back, monsters deserved better than to be at the human's mercy. 

Aphelion was upset for some time, not that she paid him any mind during the move, way too busy making sure their people had everything they needed to start over in the asteroid belt. As her efforts started to show promising results, her husband came around and forgave her, doing his best to help in anything necessary.

Their lives didn’t change much, ruling monsters were the same regardless of where they were, but now with the hope of a bright future, Aurora wanted something more. She always had the desire to be a mother and after getting some experience while taking care of Comet, she decided it was about time for this dream to come true.

Aphelion was delighted when she approached him with the idea, so a few months later their son was born. Having a baby was a lot of work but they had prepared accordingly and Azimuth grew into a very respectful young adult who she was sure would be a great leader for monsters one day.

Asriel -> Azimuth
Azimuth Natural Magic -> Green and blue
Azimuth Lore

Azimuth had quite a typical childhood despite being the son of the two rulers of monsterkind. A lot of it was thanks to Comet, he always saw the skeleton as his older brother and together they got into all sorts of shenanigans and adventures that would make their parents lose their minds if they ever found out.

Growing up his mother always insisted he had to get to know their people before he could lead them, so he was educated just like any monster child. Going to all the same places, facing the same difficulties with grades, skipping classes just like any other rebel teenager, and being scolded by his parents about responsibility every five minutes as he planned his next escape.

Needless to say, he had a great life.

He only started noticing how important his parents' positions were once he was allowed to accompany them to negotiations and hear the words of the people in need. Seeing the monsters he had shared his life with asking for financial aid, food, health, reassurance that things would be ok, touched his soul like nothing else had ever done. 

He was compelled to take care of those people with his whole being and so started dedicating his time to learn more about the government and hopefully one day, become a worthy ruler for his parent's legacy.


Comet Attacks

Cosmic Blasters - Similar to Gaster Blasters, but instead of summoning just a skull, it summons the complete creature that has a base level of sentience and can fight on its own. (Snow Leopard Skeleton)
Void Step - Similar to shortcuts, waves of magic carry him forward, blurring ahead a short distance. He is invulnerable while in this transition, can’t go farther than his field of view.
Bone Attacks - Normal skeleton monster magic, bones are tinged with the caster magic.

Character Dynamics

- Gamma (Grillby) and Cosmos (Gaster) are married.
- Comet (Sans) and Nebula (Papyrus) were born of their union.
- Comet (Sans) is the judge, but his services are rarely needed so he works mostly at Gamma’s (Grillby’s) bar.
- Nebula (Papyrus) joined OSF (Outerspace Security Force) before they even moved to Outerspace, and is one of the most prominent guards under  Umbra’s (Undyne’s)  command.
- Umbra (Undyne) and Albedo (Alphys) have a budding relationship but are both too nervous to make it anything serious.
- Nebula (Papyrus) and Umbra (Undyne) are childhood friends and consider each other siblings.
- Comet (Sans) is a close friend to Aurora (Toriel) and Azimuth  (Asriel), giving them both advice when necessary in government-related matters, while Cosmos (Gaster) is closer to Aphelion (Asgore).



- The Underground is called Outerspace and is actually in a belt of asteroids that circle a planet
- The main method of transport between the asteroids is a cableway system sustained by the planet's energy emissions built by Cosmos  (Gaster).
- Asteroid Sectors are formed by one large asteroid and smaller ones that branch off it.
- Asteroid Sector 01 - Contains the space station where all visiting ships dock to embark/disembark passengers; Information center and guide agency for tourists who want to explore Outerspace; Most of the public commercial sector can be found here.
- Asteroid Sector 02 - Hotels/Hostels/Motels; Natural parks; Amusement parks; Zoologic; All that tourism thing.
- Asteroid Sector 03 - Off-limits for visitants; is the residential area and internal commercial area that only monsters have access to. Also has the OSF (Outerspace Security Force) Headquarters. Has an internal dock for Monsters to be able to come and go as they please without necessarily passing through the Space Station.
- Asteroid Sector 04 - School area; Science and Research; Any type of important historic relics are kept here, It’s where the Administration  Headquarters is and where Aphelion (Asgore) and Aurora (Toriel) spend most of their time ruling over their people.
- Asteroid 4.2 - Is smaller, hidden from view unless you know how to look for it, asteroid where Aphelion (Asgore) and Aurora (Toriel) live with Azimuth (Asriel), extremely secure and hard to access.

 Lore Differences

- Monster magic started absorbing space property over the years,  mimicking the appearance of space around them and manifesting into beautiful galaxy patterns when summoned.
- Chara never crashed into the asteroid belt, consequently, Prince  Azimuth (Asriel) did not die by absorbing their soul and lives happily  with his parents, Aurora (Toriel) and Aphelion (Asgore)
- Cosmos (Gaster) did not die in an accident and is still the head of the Science Department together with Albedo (Alphys) who is the second in charge.
- Umbra (Undyne) is Commander of Outerspace Security Forces (OSF) and does a very good job keeping the law around the asteroid belt.
- Nebula (Papyrus) is an officer of OSF.
- Comet (Sans) works at Gamma’s (Grillby) bar and restaurant, which goes by the name of Gamma’s Bar and Restaurant, yes everyone in Outerspace is terrible at naming. He works as a waiter and helps Gamma (Grillby)  run things so he can have time off sometimes.
- Monsters live from absorbing magic from the ambient, and so do not necessarily need oxygen to survive. Anyone who needs to breathe has to use a special suit to visit Outerspace.
- Soul break - The concept of a soul-changing its trait when put under extreme emotional distress. (credit to LingeringChaos)

 Previously in the Timeline

- Monsters and Humans lived together on Earth for many years, helping each other grow and despite some conflict, there was never a war between them.
- Technology advanced much faster due to the monster's assistance enabling space travel and the discovery of other life forms.
- Slowly, the planet degraded, being unable to sustain the amount of pollution and replenish what was being consumed by its inhabitants.
- Humans noticed that accused monsters of sucking the energy from the planet to turn it into magic, the Monsters were very offended by such accusations and after many discussions between representatives of both races representatives, Monsters decided to migrate and let Humans doom themselves.
- They found an asteroid belt, that Aphelion (Asgore) expertly named  Outerspace, and made it their home. Monsters have equal, or more,  technology to Humans and plenty of resources to live in Outerspace for as long as they want.
- Monsters discover a new, innovative energy source that can be gathered from the planet their asteroid belt circle. News travels fast through the system, attracting many jealous eyes.
- Monsters have neutral relations with most nations, but once requests for negotiations start reaching Aphelion (Asgore) he decides to increase the security for traveling and only allows a set number of humans or alien species to be in Outerspace at a time.
- The other nations didn’t stay passive for long, and hack attacks started happening on the Monsters network as well as a threat to the government's lives.
- After that, Comet (Sans) started being a new layer of security for any traveler coming or going from Outerspace. His task was to judge every single soul that came through their space station and make sure they were not a threat to the population.
- With that, the attacks were reduced to almost zero, and peace returned to the asteroid belt, but no one noticed how much the constant judgments took out of Comet (Sans).
- Months passed, and Comet (Sans) tried to hide the symptoms of his weakening body the best he could until one day he collapsed at work.  Needless to say, Cosmos (Gaster) and Gamma (Grillby) were extremely worried for their son and demanded Aphelion (Asgore) stop using him immediately.
- Aphelion (Asgore)  agreed a bit hesitant, while there hadn’t been any attacks recently due to Comet’s (Sans’s) presence, he was afraid they would return once the judge was not in place anymore, but he couldn’t bring himself to endanger Comet’s (Sans’s) life more than he already had.
- Comet (Sans) recovery took a few weeks, and he wasn’t completely at his best when the attacks started happening. Humans had managed to infiltrate the monsters' internal docks and were trying to take them from the inside out.

 First Chapter Starts from Here