finn1 character ramblings repository

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
1 314

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

literally just where im putting any finn1 characterisation scribbles i do that i dont want to cram onto his bio

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im like figuring out finn more and the way i see it he is genuinely pretty low empathy. like hes a social little animal and he loves his friends but the way he stays so bubbly etc in the face of everything going to shit is he genuinely does not care. hes the centre of his own little world & like hes not gonna get even remotely sad about someone he doesnt know dying hes rly like anyone care when guardians die? i dont

that + his bluntness can make him come across kind of callous if you dont know him but he still doesnt wanna hurt peoples feelings (its funny bc he has more consciousness of this over actual murderkilling bc of how Being A Guardian Is) but he will just say whats on his mind and he will not really get it 9 times out of ten when someones sad. he will do his best though

a lot of this as well is bc of how before he died he did come to terms with both his own death and subsequent (exo) resurrection and the inevitability of them which has a massive impact (unconsciously) on how he views death - this is compounded by the fact that he was just born with no memories into a world in which he dies and kills endlessly without any real motivation to do so other than "this is what you do now"

hes also terrible with displays of genuine emotion esp negative emotion. finn1 doesnt understand how to handle problems he cant immediately and completely fix, and has no idea how to go about comforting someone. he's better with kids bc theyre easier to deal with (most things that would upset a child are easily fixed or can be distracted from - finn1's preferred method of coping if he ever loses momentum and experiences actual stress)