Kitten event 2021

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

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Chapter 1

"Ashton rushed around the house, picking up anything that was out that wasn’t supposed to be, and throwing out any trash that they found. They were a whirlwind of quick cleaning. Bonnie was getting ready for work and watched as they put a pile of dishes in the sink. 

“Is everything okay? I told you I would take care of this after work today,” Bonnie pulled their shoes on and grabbed their bag

Ashton nodded and followed them to the front door, “I know. It’s not you. My mom is coming, she called and told me she was on her way and I don’t want her to see the house like this.”

“Oh man, I wish I could be here. I know how she can be sometimes, but I can’t miss this shift,” Bonnie gave Ashton a soft kiss on the cheek.

“It’s fine. I understand and I’ll handle it, I have a feeling it’s not super important,” Ashton waved them out the door and watched as they left before starting the whirlwind again. By the time the doorbell rang, the house was passable enough to keep even the most anal mother quiet for a quick afternoon visit.

“Come in, Mom,” Ashton greeted as they opened the door, “What brings you by today?”

“Can’t a mother come and visit her child without reason?” Ashton’s mom breezed in and set down her stuff on the coffee table as she sat down on the couch.

Ashton sighed and sat down at the other end, “That could be true about other people’s moms, but not true of you. You always have a reason for making the long drive out here.”

She laughed and nodded, “I did have a reason. I wanted to bring you a present for the baby.”

“The baby isn’t coming for another 6 months, I can’t believe you’re bringing something so early.”

Ashton’s mom laughed again and pulled a book out of her purse, “Well that is because I want you to read the present before the baby is born. This is the book I used with you when you were a baby. I think it really helped and you turned out not so bad, so some of it must have stuck.”

Ashton laughed and opened the book, taking a look over the chapter list and the first page, “I think this will be a lot of help. I have no idea where to start and this looks like it will be a lot of help. Thanks Mom. I’m glad you stopped by. I hope you’ll come by a lot when the baby is here.”


Your kittenfloss was born a few days earlier than expected and caused quite a surprise when Ashton suddenly went into labor! The baby was born a little above average weight for their flavor but a post birth test revealed they have a weak heart, because of this they will need a bit more attention going forward.  On the 2nd day before leaving the hospital babies are given a Special Ability Aptitude Test to determine the strength of their abilities at birth, your kittenfloss scored pretty strong for their ability. These abilities can change with study and practice but it's good to know where they are starting from