Hit the Ground Running, Chrissy

2 years, 9 months ago
337 1

Chrissy decides to go for a run.

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Chrissy fancied herself for a run.

“I’ll be here when you get back,” Aimi said to Chrissy, “Good luck out there on your run!”

“Heh, I don’t need luck.” Chrissy said this with confidence and a smile on her face. She did some stretches with her arms and some torso twists. A few squats never hurt too. She prepared herself for the journey ahead.

Aimi held her arm up. “Ready… set… go!”

Chrissy took off running. The initial starting dash created a wind so strong that Aimi had to hold her jacket together.

Chrissy dashed across the trail with trees lined up at both sides just flying right past her. She felt free. She felt alive! No worries in the world to her. The wind? It made her mane dance. The adrenaline was an experience that she always welcomed with open arms.

A bench up ahead? She’ll parkour over it. A river with rocks lined up in a pattern? She’ll leap over it in a single bound, and she’ll even wink with a nose salute when she passes it. Nothing could stop her.

It had almost been two minutes now. The trees that were her audience were gone. It was all an open field now. She decided to take a moment in her running glory to show off a little.

At the peak of a hill, she leaped into the air and raised her arms. A dark crimson red outlined her claws. She slammed her fists to the ground with tremendous force, sending a pulse of dark energy across the whole area. It miraculously shook the trees she had passed. It made the grass on her feet tremble in fear.

Aimi could feel the pulse coming her way. Her jacket wavered in the air behind her. The force of it was so powerful that it sent her to the ground on her bum.

Chrissy let out a mighty roar from afar. For once, she was free. She was alive.

She was unleashed.

Author's Notes

I was in a Chrissy mood. Hope you all enjoyed!