Last Battle?

2 years, 9 months ago

Explicit Violence

The fight scene in which Michaelis kills Jin-el and takes Titanship for his own.

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"All you are is a SELFISH COWARD!!" The voice shrieked above the chaos. The two Naguul writhed against each other, slamming their claws into whatever opening they could find. "I've had enough of your LIES." The other rasped, violently whipping its tail into the other's side, impaling its stomach. Once it had a grip, it pulled itself forward, sinking its jaw into the other's shoulder without hesitation. The larger Naguul roared in anger.

The Titan grabbed at its face, shredding the scales from it, throwing it onto the blackened ground. "All I've spoken is the TRUTH." It croaked, it's chest heaving for the air it so desperately needed. "You're weak. You can't destroy me even now." The other Naguul lay heaving on the ground, staring up at the Titan through damaged eyes. "...You're wrong." Suddenly it darted upwards, its tail striking out like a whip to lash the other's face. The Titan shrieked, striking out blindly.

It caught the other's shoulders, sending him to the ground. The smaller Naguul struggled to breathe beneath the Titan's massive weight, its breaths coming in short, sharp gasps. "The sickness.." He choked, staring up at the furious Titan with unprecedented courage. "..It has made YOU weak." The Titan watched as the Naguul morphed to his human form, an otherwise foolish idea. Despite the fact that now his legs were most surely broken, the red-eyed Naguul stared up at the massive beast.

Though it crushed his ribs, and sunk its claws into his fleshy shoulders, he leaned close enough to its face to smell it's hot, rotten breath. "...Say hello to your brother for me." he whispered, his voice so malicious it caught the other off-guard. Its yellow eyes widened in realization and fear when the Naguul screamed in pain and determination, the scythe forming in his hands. In one swift movement, he shattered the beast's scales, plunging the weapon through his side.