
Origin is destroyed. Its citizens have evacuated. What little is left, Pine mourns for.

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She stared around at the measly camp, red eyes pained and raw. Their own home had been destroyed, ripped away from them. Origin was... Her stomach lurched at the thought and she thought she might be sick again. Origin was gone. She patrolled the dirt paths that separated the messy tents and campsites. Capable civilians and soldiers alike were armed against unseen threats, now that they were all outside the walls and fence.

She saw John and Sasha huddled against their father, who stared bleakly at the ground, matted hair in his face. Alexa and Rose sat together and wept, Johnathan stood to the side, his expression unreadable. They hadn't had time to take Michaelis' body back with them. Sylvius was tending to other's wounds, although she grudgingly noted the paper-thin slit across the bridge of his nose. Was it deep enough? How long did he have? She shook herself on purpose, to keep from asking him.

She didn't want to know at this point. Her mind was buzzing and numb, she had to force herself to stay in reality. Allen sat by himself, a tattered blanket draped around his shoulders. The bandage normally wrapped diligently around his arm was now undone slightly, the tail end of the bandage resting in the dirt. "Pine."

She jumped at the voice, her heart pounding. Immediately flashes of the jarring battle that happened only yesterday shot through her head. Whirling around, she saw only her father. He stood as tall as he could manage, but he was leaning heavily on one crutch, and she couldn't help but steal a glance at his twisted ankle. His once raven black hair was now a bleached white, and his face showed the signs of age now more than ever. "Pine...please, eat."

He implored her in a tired voice, but did not demand. With his free arm, he gently brushed her unkempt hair out of her face, his shaking fingers made tears spring to her eyes. "..I can't, dad, I have, things to.." She trailed off, her voice cracking. "You've been pacing the camp for the whole day, Pine.." He whispered. "I'm helping. It's my duty." "If your duty is to help you cannot do so if you yourself are weak and starving."

He placed a soft hand on her shoulder, she saw his eyes were a dark, sorrow-filled blue. She exhaled sharply, suddenly embracing him. She didn't want to hurt him but she had to grasp tightly, she had to know he was real. He stiffened in shock, his eyes widening. She buried her face in his chest, breathing in the familiar scent of fresh paper, clean air, and ink. But now the scent was also mixed with mud and the heat of frightened people pressed together.

He placed a hand on her head, running it through her dirtied hair in silence. She clenched his robes in her hands, stifling the boiling tears that threatened to rise to the surface. "Okay. Okay...I'll eat." She muttered, willing herself to let go. "Thank you." He murmured breathlessly, watching as she staggered over to another tent.

"...Oh Alioth..." He whispered, clutching onto his crutch, the last of his possessions now. "...What will become of us?"