
2 years, 9 months ago
615 1

Michaelis finds his ally Sasha wounded, and patches her back up.

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Yellow streetlights did little to brighten the damp asphalt road, which wound past concrete building, neon lights, bustling figures that trudged past each other without a moment's notice. Black smoke lilted from roofs, carving dark serpents in the moonlit clouds above. A thin figure weaved his way through the masses, his brown eyes flickering from side to side. The smell of petrol, of grease, permeated this part of the city.

Subconsciously, he hooked his finger around his scarf, pulling it up over his nose and mouth. The scent trail he was following was slowly dwindling.. the suffocating smell of human flesh nearly drowned it out. Still, it was there. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily, the scent became stronger as he made his way into the side-winding, smaller avenues, the buildings were closer together here; they cast large, looming shadows nearly everywhere.

He began to stick closer to the walls of buildings, his irises glowed a faint scarlet now. The scent lingered in one alley, making him stop. Nonchalantly, he ducked into the narrow space, making his way over to a figure, propped up against the wall. "..Ribs." Her icy blue eyes slid over to meet his and she sat up with some effort, but her labored breathing made his brow crease in worry. "You're hurt."

She barked a laugh as he knelt next to her, eyeing the arm over her side. "When am I not?" "I told you not to go picking those fights.." "You know I don't listen." Michaelis sighed heavily, glancing at the pipe just out of her reach. "Let me see it." Begrudgingly, she lifted her arm away and he peeled back her tank top from her side, grimacing a little at the wound in her side. "..Knife?" "Yeah, the guy pulled it on me, caught me off-guard. Didn't think he had one."

He frowned at how nonchalantly she managed it, taking some of the disinfectant he had with him, twisting off the cap. "This'll sting a little." "No matter how many times you say that, I never get used to it-" She stifled a hissing noise as he poured it in the slice. "Mmm yep- feels great." "..This is a big one y'know. I'm gonna have to tie it shut." "Really?" She looked over at him, her expression like that of a kid's that didn't want the needle to go in.

Michaelis gave her a weary look. "Alright, fine. Just- tell me first so I can look away." He nodded, pulling out needle and thread. "Take a breath if you have to." She nodded and clenched her fists, staring at the clouded sky as he worked. She had to admit, his hands worked quickly, quicker than hers would have...and after practice, she could ignore the tugging sensation. At least, somewhat. "Done." He tied off the last bit of thread, eyeing his work for a moment.

After that, he set about dressing the wound with softer bandages, and disinfecting her other miscellaneous scratches and bruises. "No ice needed today?" "Nope, no big bumps. Just that little guy." She patted her side tentatively. "Hm. Try not to strain yourself before that heals, please?" Holding out his gloved hand, he helped her to her feet, though even bent over she was a few inches taller than him.

He noticed her eyeing the piece of plumbing on the ground and sighed, picking it up. "Alright, no more fights tonight. Let's go to the safe house and get some rest. Lean on me if you have to." "You're way too short for that ya dork." Despite her retort he kept an arm around her side, and together they limped back down the street, into the night.