A Crook Named “Crow”

2 years, 9 months ago

Joestar’s role in Ace Attorney Investigations 3 AU

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Joestar, or known as “Crow” in this universe, is a heartthrob vigilante with a passion for truth. No one knows who he is really, they’re too caught up in his charm and silky quick movements when he dances across ballrooms. Joestar usually remains unseen, hiding atop the wooden beams and buildings. Due to his shadowing nature, he witnesses a lot of crimes take place and tips off the top prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth of their whereabouts. When there is no major crime to thwart, he brings back stolen possessions and heirlooms that have been snatched by greedy poachers. If any crime suspect happens to make a break for it, he’ll stop them by any means. From blades to boomerangs, Joestar has a variety of weapons although they’re never used for harm. When the crime fighting has come to an end, he usually spends the rest of his time pursuing a fair young lady by the name of Kay Faraday. His charm interests the girl but never sways her, and it gives him the thrill of the chase, not it being the crime kind. She has come close to unmasking this fair paladin, but his quick escapes prove maddening. Once vanishing, he is remembered by his endearing proverb; “Birds of a feather, flock together.”

Author's Notes

TLDR; - A key witness in most cases - Steals items from thieves and returns them to rightful owners - A great dance partner - Prevents prime suspects from fleeing - Major flirt (primarily towards Kay)