Kitten event 2021

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
1 603

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

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Chapter 1

"Edward and I are so happy to announce that we are pregnant! We found out a couple weeks ago and just had our first appointment with the doctor confirming the pregnancy for our 4 week milestone. Join us for a new journey as we grow our family!"


“Hey, Edward, I think I have the announcement ready for social media, come let me know what you think,” Bri called to their significant other.

Edward popped in from another room, “Sure, sure, I’ll take a look.” They looked it over before saying, “It’s great. You should post it.”

“Okay, are you ready? As soon as I post it, I’m betting we’re going to get a bunch of phone calls and comments,” Bri hovered the cursor over the submit button.

“Absolutely, it’ll be fine, we’ll handle it just like everything else. I’m not worried,” Edward smiled and sat over on the couch as Bri clicked the button. 

“Well we’re live-” Bri was cut off as their cell phone rang, “And so it begins… Hello?” Edward laughed and then listened as they fielded the phone call from their best friend who wanted all of the details of the news. “Yes… We didn’t want to tell anyone until it was confirmed… No, not even our parents were called yet… Well we decided to just notify everyone at once. We figured that would be the most fair so no one felt left out or forgotten… Mhm, I know you’re my best friend and you're supposed to know as soon as possible, but we literally just went to the appointment yesterday… Well we will be happy with whatever gender the baby turns out to be… Yeah, a girl would be wonderful, but little boys can be so cute… Haha, yes, you can plan the baby shower, but I would like it to be during the last few weeks… And you’ll probably have to work with Mom and any other family who wants to help plan, yeah. Mhm, well anything else that happens you’ll be one of the first to know, I promise. Alright, thank you! Yeah, I have another call coming in, bye hun, talk to you later!”

Edward’s own phone rang and they both had very similar conversations with a bunch of friends and family for the next few hours, calling anyone back that they missed while on the phone. Everyone was so happy for them and there were lots of congratulations all around. Finally, the marathon ended and both Bri and Edward were sat, exhausted, on the couch, looking at each other in shock.

“Wow, I didn’t think it would be like that…” Bri felt like they needed to catch their breath.  

“Well at least everyone knows now and we won’t have to do this again until the baby is born,” Edward laughed tiredly.

“We can only hope,” Bri laughed with them.

Your kittenfloss was born a few days earlier than expected and caused quite a surprise when Bri suddenly went into labor! The baby was born with  below average weight for their flavor. post birth testing showed they have weaker  lungs than normal, this can cause problems if not properly treated.  They will need extra care. On the 2nd day before leaving the hospital babies are given a Special Ability Aptitude Test to determine the strength of their abilities at birth, your kittenfloss was unable to muster any  abilities at all. These abilities can sometimes change with study and  practice but those showing no ability at birth can often never activate it.