Sky & Sea

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
6 5004

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

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Day 2

Sky 2B

Laku looks at the runes suspiciously. They look like complete gibberish to him. Absolute nonsense. 

"Hey, Vitni?" He called over his shoulder, still staring at the strange markings.

"What's up?" She responds.

"Can you make any sense of these markings?" He says, moving aside to give her a better look at them.

Vitni carefully studied the engravings, running her paws over them as she read. 

"It... doesn't seem familiar to me. I could check the archive, but I haven't seen anything in there that looks even remotely like this," She says after a few minutes, "I can also try talking to my mentor to see if they understand it."

"Yeah, they feel... I dunno. They seem important," Laku says, his tail swaying uncomfortably.

"Hm, maybe someone in your Troupe knows something," Vitni suggested, "You could go get a couple members and see if they recognize it."

Laku nodded, and the two lions parted ways. Laku quickly climbed up back to the surface, dodging through narrow tunnels and trying to avoid coming into contact with anyone. He didn't know how many were still infected, since he hadn't heard anything from Kalorës about it. I should check in on them... it's been a while... He thought as he exited the Glemte Veikryss, which led to the surface town Kirli Ağız. His tent was right on the edge of town. He ran through quickly, paying no mind to those who stared or gawked at him. 

"Isteni, Cytun!" He yelled.

"Yes, Laku?" Isteni responded, poking her head out of her side tent.

"Come with me," He says as Cytun rounds the corner.

He leads the two of them back down to the Kuilu, where Vitni and her fellow apprentices were leading a mission to discover a previously blocked off part of their kingdom. They arrive to see Vitni and her mentor already there. Makes sense, they had to go half of the distance that Laku did. 

"Ah, Laku, good. You've brought some friends," Vitni says, relieved when she notices they've arrived. "We can't make any sense of this, if neither of your people can read it, I think I'm going to grab Kalorës and see if they can decipher it."

Laku nods and gestures for his friends to take a look. Cytun looks at them first, but quickly gives up. Isteni spends a little more time on it, but it soon becomes apparent that she can't read them either.

Vitni sighed and grabbed their sword, "I'll be back," She said.

Land 2B

Since the people of Agía Foliá live underground, with only a few living on the surface, the earthquakes have shaken up pretty much their entire lives. Several caves have collapsed, leaving areas blocked off and trapping those inside. Those on the surface only fared a little better, since they live in a small valley between two giant cliffs. Thankfully, no one got hurt, but some houses were destroyed.

Very few, if any people, were able to escape. Being underground leaves very few possible escape routes in emergencies. Areas with very tight passages, or with thin rock layers were almost immediately destroyed. The platform holding the Hvíta Höllin, the king's palace, collapsed, leaving a gaping hole between the public transport system and the rest of the Archaía Lekáni. Thankfully, the other transport system is still working, so there is a way into the Archaía Lekáni, however it's only from one other station. The station in Thellë was blocked off as a result of the quakes. 

The buildings in the Cathair na Deora had a strong enough foundation that they were able to make it through relatively unscathed. A few rocks fell from the ceiling, but nothing was able to destroy the barrier between the city and the lake above. The Odmorište, however, did not fare so well. The area was largely made out of dirt, not rock like most of the rest of the kingdom, so there were a lot more cave ins there. There are still ways to access most of it, so the only work that needs to be done is digging out the fallen earth. 

The Kuilu was devastated. The walls were made out of an incredibly weak material, so the only thing that's still open right now is the main room, which is just a huge tunnel down. Very few dare enter the place, so unfortunately it's going to be low on the priority list for getting fixed. However, with the fuss that Kalorës is making about it, there is a possibility that it could be repaired sooner than that. 

There are plans being made for reparation. The main planner is Kalorës' half sister, since they aren't good at planning, with Vitni and Laku taking over most of the other areas that don't have a minor leader, or that are simply separate from the kingdom, but still live next to it. Vitni will largely be helping out in Sumu Kanjoni, and Laku will be in charge of Kirli Ağız, much to the mayor's disappointment.

Author's Notes

Sky 2B

405/400 Words

Reward: Tear markings (cheetah) & 2 AC

Land 2B

416/400 Words

Reward: Raccon mask & 2 AC