Seruverse Locations And Dungeons

2 years, 6 months ago
1 year, 9 months ago
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Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 6 months ago

Treat this like one of those tour pamphlet things that tell you all the fun places to go when you get to a new area. I'll also be putting some dungeon stuff here as well.

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Quick Definitions For Stuff

Rearguard Areas:

Rearguard areas (also known as civilized areas) in Seruverse are settlements on planets with environments similar to Earth. Most of them have lower levels of Aether causing the native monsters to be weaker and the weather to be more tame. While these areas are much safer than frontier areas it's harder to learn magic in a rearguard area, and valuable resources like aether crystals are much less common.

Frontierguard Areas:

Frontierguard areas are areas that have too many dangerous and frequent occurrences to be considered rearguard areas, but are protected well enough where the settlements themselves are almost as safe as rearguard areas.

The Frontier:

The frontier is the catch-all term for the parts of Seruverse that aren't well documented or are just very chaotic. It's quite dangerous to live on the frontier due to the lack of laws, unpredictably dangerous weather and terrain, and abundance powerful creatures. These risks are not without reward since frontier areas have an abundance of magical energy, valuable resources, and opportunities to achieve long lasting fame.

Frontier Towns:

Frontier towns are settlements made on the frontier. The laws are enforced by the citizens to the best of their abilities, and they end up being little more than a suggestion when stronger adventurers are asked to follow them. Generally the security of the town varies greatly depending on its location and the adventurers that live in it.


Dungeons are semi-isolated (they can only be entered and exited in specific areas) pocket dimensions created where the spirit realms intersect with the physical realm. The contents of a dungeon can be anything from a forest full of dancing bears to several kingdoms populated with human like spirits. If a dungeon has multiple "floors" the first one is always the safest. In dungeons with over 5 floors the first floor has a high chance to not even have any aggressive spirits or hostile terrain. Dungeons contain valuable loot and lots of spirits for a summoner to make a contract with. 

Dungeon Floors:

Dungeons with multiple floors can best be described like a large building that contains several businesses. The first floor usually serves as an entrance with nothing of much interest. The other floors all contain their own "companies" and bosses that have to be defeated before anyone can advance to the next floor. For example, the first floor could be a peaceful meadow, the second floor could be a frozen wasteland, the third floor could be a ghost town in the middle of a jungle, and the fourth floor could be an underwater cavern. The last boss of a dungeon will always be guarding the dungeon's crystal.

Dungeon Crystals:

Dungeon crystals are massive aether crystals that provide magical energy to the entire dungeon. If a dungeon's crystal is destroyed the entire thing will collapse, and all of the spirits inside of it will vanish after using all of their mana. This rarely happens because the best way to conquer a dungeon is to take control of the crystal which would give you full control of the dungeon. 

Dungeon Towns:

Dungeon towns are towns built within dungeons. They're safer than the average frontier town since the threat of being attacked by a hungry, wild monster is essentially nonexistent as long as the boss of the town was built on was already defeated. 

Dungeon Master/Final Boss:

All dungeons have a boss that protects its dungeon crystal. This boss has full control of said dungeon and can change parts of its terrain at will. The spirits that populate dungeons view the final boss as an authority second only to God. The final boss of a dungeon is considered it's master until the dungeon crystal is conquered by someone else. The dungeon master has the same power over the dungeon that the final boss does, and they can control the final boss as well. If a dungeon master is the dungeon master of multiple dungeons they can fuse them together.