Fall Event 2021 - Scribe

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
3 2034

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

A hoard of demons, the likes never seen before is coming! While you’re not inclined to the front lines, preparations must be done.

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1. Gatherings and an old friend

Percival moved with determination in his eyes. The static doom in the air seemed to cause chaos all around as many different ajalkins bustled their way through the large crowd of scribes and guards, but he would not let this hold him back. Percival shook the tense air off his pelt as he continued to push.

It was times like this he was at least somewhat grateful for his antlers. The status he gained with them helped move many ajalkins out of his way. He was aware that the status was a burden. Many ajalkins, both old and young, rely on him.

“Watch out,” his voice grumbled out as he caught a young scribe’s scroll, “You must be careful there are many who are counting on us to write every small detail down.”

He handed the scroll back, “Here you will need one of these as well,” he plucked one of his floating quills out of the air to hand to the young one, “It will come back to me once our job is finished here.”

The young ajalkin only nodded in awe. Percival only shook his head with a chuckle, “Go now young one. We have much to prepare in such a short time.”

He smiled gently as the young scribe seemed to jerk with renewed energy.

“Thank you,” they gasped out as they took off.

Percival slowly found his way towards a white and red masked ajalkin. A small smile graced his muzzle. It’s been a few decades since he’s seen this scribe. He flicked his tail so his bell would sound out to the other as he walked up.

“Hello old friend,” he greeted softly.

The masked one gave a simple nod in greeting, before turning back to the prep work he was doing. Percival looked down at how Tadashi drew the cause that was happening before them. The other was making a few notes along the sides marking the tension in the air.

“Already steps ahead of us all Tadashi.”

Tadashi grinned underneath his mask, and had he not angled his head Percival would have missed it in its entirety, “Someone had to be prepared after all,” Tadashi voice laced out.

“I do suppose you are correct!” Percival adjusted the beads that landed in faded sight, “You’ve always been prepared. Or at least every time we run into each other you are!” The dark pelt ajalkin leaned slightly onto his friend as he himself began to go through all his belongings.

Parchment. Check.

Quill. He quickly plucked another of his quills from the air. Check.

He frowned. Where was his...Oh! There it is! He grabbed his ink from the bottom of his makeshift bag. 

And last but not least his L shaped brush. Percival frowned as he pulled the brush out of the bag. He’d need to get a new one soon. This brush has been through so much he doubted that it would last long after this battle.

His ears flicked as he heard the warning bells of the guards and incense marchers. “Tadashi, I believe that is our clue to find a safer place to be.”

Pericval glanced around as he grabbed a few young scribes and pointed them in safer directions. He paused waiting for his old friend.

“It’s been a while since we’ve seen so many scribes in one place hasn’t it?”