Chris Attempts to Fly

2 years, 9 months ago
303 1

Chris the Zorua attempts to fly with the help of Marrow and Aimi.

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It was the middle of the afternoon. On the roof of a house in the city of Zoruopolis was a little Zorua by the name of Chris. He was putting on a bird suit with the help of his friend Marrow the Zorua. Aimi, a young woman with long pink hair, was watching the skies for any problems with the weather.

Aimi looked over in Chris the Zorua’s direction. She asked him, “What makes you so sure this will work, Chris?”

“That’s the thing,” Chris answered as Marrow finished putting the finishing touches on his bird costume, “I am not sure! I just know that if I’m going to fly, I need to defy all laws of aviation!”

“Dead meme.” Marrow’s response was cold, but Chris paid no mind to it. He was ready regardless.

“But I don’t see how flying is going to help you get closer to flying mythical creatures,” Aimi said, “You could hurt yourself in doing so!”

As soon as Marrow gave the go-ahead, Chris shrugged off the comments and jumped off of the roof. He felt like he was on cloud nine, gliding through the air without a care. He squealed for joy. After the first flap, however, things went south. Chris slammed into the grass as the momentum he was carrying had given out after about seven seconds of solace.

Aimi ran up to make sure he was alright. She picked up the hurt little Zorua. His face was dirty and his nose was bleeding. She glared at Marrow who was laughing hysterically at the outcome. That shut him up quickly.

Glodis the alien slithered out the front door. They noticed Chris and Aimi, stared for about five seconds, and slowly slithered back into the house.

Aimi dashed for the nearest hospital.

Author's Notes

I was bored and wanted to get a drabble out there. Hope you enjoyed!