Breaking All Self-Indulgent Notes

2 years, 9 months ago
633 2

Glodis catches Chris the Zorua writing a story for himself.

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On a bright Sunday afternoon, Chris the Zorua was sitting at his desk, penning a tale with his quill. He was more into this one than ever before.

Through his bedroom door, an alien creature looking like an octopus with a royal jester’s hat with bells snuck in. Their name was Glodis.

Glodis slithered closer to Chris. They tried getting a peek at what he was writing. It seemed to be a story about adventure. “Earthling Chris!” Their exclamation made Chris literally jump.

“Glodis,” Chris yelled, “Don’t scare me like that!”

“What are you working on, Earthling Chris?” Glodis didn’t seem fazed by Chris’ outburst. Their curiosity was piqued. Chris quickly sat on the paper, obscuring it from view.

“Nothing,” he stammered, “It’s nothing important!”

Glodis shot back, “But there are words on that!” Glodis knew Chris was a creature of many things, but hiding the truth was not one of his strongest suits. “Is this a new story?”

Chris shook his head. “Oh, it’s more than that,” he explained, “It’s like… Glodis, do you remember what ‘self-indulgence’ is?”

“I remember,” they answered, “It means ‘for your own happy times’, right?”

Chris nodded and blushed. “Well, this is my self-indulgent writing. I don’t normally share it with anyone. It’s embarrassing and not my best work.” Glodis blinked. Chris continued. “If I shared this with the world, everyone’s perception of me would change. I would be made fun of. I’d be treated more like a clown than a serious writer.”

The word “clown” struck a chord with Glodis. Their face went from curious to tranquil fury in a heartbeat. Glodis slammed their fist on the desk. “You are not a clown, Earthling Chris,” they screamed, “If others make fun of you, then I will blast them!”

“Glodis, Glodis, calm down!” Chris attempted to ease Glodis’ rage with paws up and a concerned expression. The alien creature took a deep breath.

“My apologies,” Glodis said to Chris, “I do not like it when others are called a ‘clown’.”

“Why,” Chris asked, “Is it because you are afraid of clowns?”

“No.” Glodis lowered their head slightly as they elaborated. “On Globarb, my kind made fun of me for wearing this outfit. They would take my hat, call me silly… a clown. I miss home, but, if I go back even after my mission is complete, will they still make fun of me?” Tears began to form in Glodis’ eyes. “Will I no longer be a clown?”

“Glodis,” Chris said, “You are who you want to be. No one but you can define who you are. The others that call you a clown? Rubbish.” He smiled and jumped into Glodis’ arms. “No matter what others call you, at least know that in your mission here in Crystalga, I will always see you as a friend!”

Glodis had no words. They hugged Chris back gently, then after about a minute, Glodis hugged him tighter. “Glodis,” Chris gasped, “You’re squeezing me again.”

Glodis immediately put Chris back on his desk. “Sorry,” they said, “My fault! Earthling Chris, if it is not too much to ask, may I read your story?”

“Oh Glodis,” Chris said with a smile, “Of course you can.” He stepped off of the paper and allowed Glodis to pick it up and read its contents. While Glodis was reading it, Chris was happy to help point out all of the bits they had trouble understanding.

All the while, Chris felt the insecure part of himself being unlocked through Glodis’ praise for his work. They were enjoying it. Perhaps it could be this way for others.

No. It couldn’t. But, if at least one being likes his work, does it matter if others never do?

Author's Notes

Never be afraid of a little self-indulgence in what you create. Everyone does it, including me. Hope you all enjoy.