Fall Event 2021 - Guard

2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 9 months ago
2 2681

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

During the Fall, the presence of the guards is extremely important for many sacred and holy places. Fall is also an extremely dangerous time for all who stand between waves of laughing demons and Ajalkins who try to keep the world from falling.

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1. The Gate

The clicks and taps of claws echoed throughout the dim lit hall. The deep blue furred ajalkin moved forward with a purpose through the stone castle. He paused in front of a beautiful set of blue wooden doors. The doors themselves had intricate silver and gold carvings of the sun and moon. They stood tall and arched the two doors into a point at the top, within the top of the door was a stunning circular stained window. The window depicted the stages of a lunar eclipse with the full eclipse standing at the top above all other phrases.

The old king let a small sigh out. It had been many years since he had to enter this chamber. He slowly pushed the heavy doors open. Dust billowed off the doors and around the items within the large circular room. Large white sheets covered every table and mannequin. The white sheets themselves hadn’t been moved in so long they now looked more yellow than white. The king’s ears flicked as he heard his husband enter beside him.

The golden king smiled at the smaller ajalkin, “Why don’t you let me help you get prepared?”

The golden king moved forward grabbing one of the white sheets off the mannequin to the right of the two of them.

“Thank you my dear. It just…,” the blue king paused, “The last time I donned my armor was when I still had my sight,” he let out a small chuckle. “That was when we were nothing but lovers!”

Both of the kings laughed heartily thinking about the years past.

“There is nothing to worry about my love,” his husband comforted, “it might have been some years ago, but that does not change that you are a wonderful and powerful guard and leader.” 

King Henry smiled gently, his eyes attempting to stare in the direction of his husband, “You’ve always said such kind things to me, my sun.”

A shy smile was shared between the two again. The golden King Henry finished taking the sheet off an old, but shining deep purple armor. He began to put the armor in place on the moon king. The two kings stayed silent as the sun king laced the armor through Henry’s fur and secured it under his belly. Afterwards he grabbed Henry’s cape and draped it over his back. He secured the cape by latching the leather attachment. The sun King Henry grabbed the shoulder plates last. The shoulder plate had the sun etched onto the plate. The symbol of the sun king’s family. The symbol of the two accepting each other as husbands and partners.

Henry smiled at his sun husband, “Thank you my sunflower.” He gave a small kiss to the other ajalkin’s cheek. “I swear on the goddesses to do my best to get back to you my love.” He pressed his head to Henry’s softly.

With that goodbye King Henry moved out of the dusty armory fully armored and warm with the reminder of his love. He let the love of his husband build a strong fortress in his mind, protecting him from all negativities that clung to the sharp air. He grinned. There would be no stopping his guards. Not tonight.

The old king moved with a swiftness he thought he had long lost. The thought of protecting his guard and his people spurred him farther on the path ahead of him. He threw himself through the front doors of the castle and stood in front of his troop.

The troops were tired from taking turns watching the gate not far from their homes. Henry frowned at seeing so many of them so exhausted. This would not do.

He approached multiple ajalkins who have been guarding the gate for the last few days. He asked them questions and made sure that they understood that he, and many others, appreciated what they have done for the kingdom and world.

Henry cautiously approached the two guards on duty. They were standing vigil. Their bodys were tense with the anticipation of any demons making it through the gate.

“Hello, do either of you have anything to report?”

The two guards jumped. They had been focused on the gate itself, not anyone or anything coming from behind.

“Your Majesty!” King Henry heard more than saw both guards drop into a quick bow.

“There have only been a few small demons to pass through the gate, but nothing else to note,” the guard to Henry’s left spoke. Both ajalkin look exhausted. There were bags underneath both of their eyes.

Henry nodded, “Thank you both, but I shall keep watch for now.” He motioned both of them to move on, “The two of you need your rest-” he put up a paw stopping them from denying their exhaustion, “You both have family and friends to return to. Not to mention that your eyes have bags upon bags underneath them. I can take a watch for a while. It is my duty as much as yours.” The king motioned again for the two to leave.

“There are many other guards to help should I need it. The longer you force yourself to keep going the less you will take in,” he spoke gently when the two seemed hesitant to leave.

The two exhausted guards looked at each other for a moment, before turning back to King Henry, “Thank you your majesty. We appreciate the break.”

Henry smiled happily at the two, “It is my pleasure to help all of my people!”

The moon king took his place before the ominous demon gate. He knew that anything could happen at this point, even a- he shuddered at the thought- boss demon. He stretched to prepare for the long night that was held before him.

Many hours passed before anything began to happen. At first Henry wasn’t even aware that anything had changed. It wasn’t until the eerie feeling of being watched did he realize.

He let out a yelp as a medium sized demon pulled him closer to the gate. He snarled, warning the demon before him to let go. Alas it did not. It pulled him faster. He struggled to get out of the beast's jaws. He heard a shout of a guard standing some ways off to the right of him.

“It has the king!”

Henry felt the power of the moon shine onto him suddenly. The Moon Goddess was giving him the strength he needed to defeat the creature!

He jerks towards the inky mass. His fangs a light with the holy power of the Moon. He could hear the creature screech as his fangs tossed it aside. The sizzling sound of the flesh of the demon burned. The guard who had shouted was gaining ground on the two of them. Bells began to ring in the distance warning all in the area that there was a demon attacking.

Henry felt his claws tear through the creature's front leg. It began to snarl back at him, attempting to defend itself. It was the one who made the mistake however to attack him! To attack so close to his kingdom!

He managed to quickly take the beast down. He was heaving at the end as the guard finished the long run to him.

“Your majesty! Are you alright,” before Henry could answer the guard turned towards the few others making their way over, “The king is injured! We need a medic!”

Henry stood up to his full height, “I will alright.” He lightly touched the guard. “I appreciate the concern, but I believe I can make it back to the castle just fine,” he let out a shaky breath, “Would you mind taking over until I can find your replacement young one?”

The guard nodded before walking with Henry back a few paces from the gate. Henry gently thanked the guard. Right after he was crowded by the small group of ajalkins who were making their way over to the two. The group left another ajalkin with the original guard as they escorted Henry back to the castle.

As he walked up the steps to the entrance of the castle, Henry, his husband, burst through the doors.

“Henry! Are you alright?!”

Oh gosh. He sounded so worried, “I’m fine my love. Just need to clean these few scratches.”

Henry felt his husband take to his side. His tail led Henry through the castle to the medics. Upon reaching them they worked quickly. Henry frowned, there were others who needed their care more than he. He did not voice this out loud, but he knew his husband could already tell when he leaned into his side.

“Come my little moon, it is time to get some sleep. The days before us will be long.”

Henry allowed his husband to walk him back to their chambers, grateful for the gentle touches of his love after the stressful night. The two curled within each other bringing comfort and warmth into dreams.