
2 years, 9 months ago
2 years, 2 months ago
5 1739

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 9 months ago

collection of various details for different characters and settings. will generally have more information than the characters' bios. miscellaneous work-in-progress details about the characters. less "finished" than the bios.

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Lord Reginald Dowling


 The person who he inherited the house from was the last member of a secret society. He had possession of the entire collection of the society's extensive notes regarding shadow magic, containing descriptions of its effects and potential countermeasures. They were passed down through the centuries with the hope and intention that the next generation of leaders would learn from them and add their own notes to them, all so that they could teach their followers how to defend themselves, and by extension, society, from its awful power. The last member became the leader after a terrible accident occurred during an expedition that was sent out to find out more about a new, unknown danger. Tragedy occurred, and the youngest of the group, having been told to stay behind by his seniors, became the only one able to greet the leader when he returned from the expedition. Coughing terribly, he told him of what had happened, and, with his dying wish, charged him with being the leader of the group. He, emotionally, agreed, vowing never to induct another member into the society so that they would never have to experience what he had been through- having had such a terrible responsibility placed on his shoulders. Instead he combed the notes meticulously, searching for only the most relevant and basic information, so that anyone that picked it up could easily and quickly be aware of and defend themselves from the dangers.                

...Lord Dowling uses it as a "Tips and Tricks" instruction manual.

They carefully and meticulously chose only the most relevant information that directly related to the fundamental uses and effects of it, rather than speculation on its nature or origins.

This was done with the intention that it would enable a complete novice to quickly and easily learn about it, so that they could use the knowledge to defend themselves and others so that no innocents would be further harmed by the shadow magic users' malicious intent.

This was done with the intention that it would enable a complete novice to quickly and easily learn about shadow magic, so that they could use the knowledge to defend themselves and others against its users' malicious intent.