Ramblings of an old man

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
1 309

Entry 1
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

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How I met my Wife

Sometimes things happen on the job that are just… weird and strange. I've seen /things/ that you couldn't comprehend in the past 30 years on the job. Strange people, weird hobbies, fire patterns that make absolutely no sense. Things that would literally make your hair curly and your bones buckle with the knowledge. But probably the strangest thing to happen to me while on the job, was meeting my wife for the first time.  

I cannot tell you how gorgeous she looked standing there with the flickering light of the flames illuminating her flushed and smoke covered face. I know that's strange to say, but I suppose I've become a little strange myself over the years. She brightened up at the sight of me in my full gear busting through the door to get to her. I honestly thought there were flames right below her. Her face was so alight. But that's just how she is.

 She half collapsed into my arms though I'm fairly sure she could have walked herself to the ladder.  Not that I minded having to pick her up and carry her. She was so light and delicate, I was like I was carrying nothing at all. She was ok thankfully as were her friends.

She asked me to sit with her. My chief allowed me that brief rest to comfort her. She clung to my arm, staring up at me with her beautiful golden eyes sparkling.

You know how awkward it is to fall so hard for someone you rescued? I know they show it as so romantic in the movies or whatever, but real life is something different. You can't just hit her up afterwards and be like "hey babe remember me?" That's not how it works. Thankfully, she reached out to me. And well, I suppose you could say the rest was history.