Nebby Master Doc

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
4 2217

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Mild Violence

A compilation of facts and information about the character "Nebby" and how she functions.

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Author's Notes

Bug, teeth pulling, microbug, and hunger talk are the trigger warnings for the character backstory.


Nebby lived in a cave for most of her life. After she got out of the orchard she had seen a few, "scary" posters about war. These gave her a rather intense fear of violence, she began making connections to how anything could in some way get her injured. The village she had lived in was no big help either. Larger bugs roamed the village and every now and then a Cable would be taken and dragged off by a large beetle. Being absolutely horrified of anything that could happen to her she decided to isolate herself in a cave. She mostly grew up socialized due to that.

Living in a cave was hard in general, she'd be freezing cold for nights on end. Along with that plenty of bugs had inhabited the cave , she could hear them crawling at night and would get overloaded by the noise and by the fear. She would grow hungry often in the cave, at nights she would sneak out to steal critters from the farmer to consume. Overall she was an opportunist about food, anything was a delight. She lived like this for a good while, facing the harsh conditions without a second thought. All because one anti-war poster scared her.

As she grew up she began attending any free education services she could take. She mostly had to push through her large panphobia to do so. She had mostly been terrified of living creatures, bugs were a large problem for her. It wasn't until after she graduated the final course she could take free of charge that it worsened. The course in mind was an anatomy course, specifically the dental unit was what had done this. Learning in the unit about the microscopic bugs inhabiting her and many other Cobbs body she was horrified. She would spend nights attempting to pluck out her teeth (occasionally succeeding).

During nights where her teeth had not grown back she would have to pound meat against rocks to tenderize it for her. Going as far as to lick off any meat from the boulders. Eventually one night she was unable to grab any grub from the farm, growing hungry and desperate she had started swallowing rocks. Grabbing fistfuls of the little pebbles and shoving them in her mouth. Shortly into this feast she had felt something moving in her mouth. Shock hit her as she realized she had put a bug into her mouth, swallowing it out of fear.

It took her a minute to process the event, she had just eaten one of her biggest fears. She swallowed a whole bug. She had stopped eating the rocks and sat there for a moment. She wasn't panicking like she had done at the idea of eating them. She decided after this to just leave the cave, not really wanting to deal with that for the time being. She slowly began walking to the city offering the Earth expedition for Earth Cobbs, eating most of the bugs she would find on the way. She took the offer of the trip mainly out of boredom and out of refusing to address the issue.