Fall Event 2021 - Priest

2 years, 8 months ago
2 years, 8 months ago
3 2398

Chapter 1
Published 2 years, 8 months ago

Now is a time to lift the souls of those who feel down or weak and pray to the gods for power. Belief in the gods is more important than ever. Remember to remind lost souls on their journey that there are divine powers who will accept them.

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1. Falling for Food

Hanabi smiled gently as she kneaded the dough. She was making fresh bread for the spirits. Their ears flicked taking in the peaceful sounds of the birds singing in the morning light. They continued to make different types of pastries throughout the first half of the day.

She let out a small breath out as she gazed at the food before them. The desserts were done! They stretched out. It’s a good moment to take a small break before continuing to cook the main dishes. They thought as they went through a few small stretches. What should she make this year?

Her thoughts were halted as her own stomach growled at her. She let out a chuckle. How could she forget to feed herself while making all this food! They searched through the pantry looking for something small, but healthy to eat. Ah ha! She reached in and grabbed a nice red Gala apple. She bit into the flesh of the apple. She should make turkey and stuffing for the main course! Oooh! And some nice gnocchi soup for the appetizer! They quickly chomped down on the apple. They couldn’t wait to start on making everything! The day passed quickly as she finished preparing the food for the feast. It wasn’t long until the moon was shining high in the sky. She blinked. She didn’t expect the day to fly by like it did, but they should have known. They always lose themselves in their baking. Had she not already been dedicated to the making of bouquets and incense for her graveyard, she would have been a baker.

She wondered if her dear Ogress would join her at this feast as she readied herself for bed. She wouldn’t be upset if Ogress wouldn’t be able to make it. They understand that Ogress was busy at times. Perhaps Nekomata would drift in. Nekomata always brought her new and amazing plants or seeds. Hanabi yawned. It had been a busy, but pleasant day cooking and baking for the feast tomorrow.

The next day was busy making incense and bouquets to place in the graveyard. Hanabi was excited though! Tonight would be the feast! She wondered if she would see any familiar spirits this year. She hoped that they all would enjoy the food and decorations. They blinked as they realized that the last bouquet was ready. They moved to the last grave in the graveyard and placed the bouquet and lavender incense carefully before the gravestone. They slowly stopped by each gravestone whispering a prayer and lighting the incense.

It wasn’t long before Hanabi sensed the first spirit. They grinned, “Hello! How are you,” she greeted. Her paws carefully navigated to the spirit. The spirit began to shine brightly for a moment. It’s chimes giving Hanabi an excited greeting.

“I’m glad you’ve been well Thomas! I haven’t seen you since the last feast! Are you just stopping by?”

The chimes and chirps of the spirit confirmed that Thomas was only stopping by on his journey. The spirit moved excitedly. It’s chirping got faster and higher. His favorite place to feast was, and has been for decades, Hanabi’s homemade feast.

Hanabi flushed lightly, “Why thank you Thomas! My baking isn’t that good, but I hope you enjoy everything,” She motioned to a steaming apple pie, “I know that apple pie is your favorite so I made sure to make some this year!”

Another chirp came from behind the two. Hanabi turned to greet the new spirit; her grin spread farther across his face. “Chestor! You made it!”

Thomas chirped happily next to her, greeting the new spirit.

Hanabi shook with overwhelming happiness. They haven’t seen these two spirits together in over a decade! The three of them spoke happily as more spirits began to drift into the feast. Before long the feast was overflowing with both spirits and ghosts consuming the food that had been prepared for them.

Hanabi went through the crowd and greeted each and every one of them. Their excitement at all the new spirits and ghosts that they were greeting was amazing. Hanabi hasn’t had a turn out like this in over a century! Her heart was uplifted. Her eyes gazed at the large group happily chirping to each other. She would sleep happily the next morning.