Lab of lies

2 years, 8 months ago

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  I walked up to the huge building, coffee mug in my hand. I walked up to the giant metal doors and struggled to open them. When I finally got in the building I saw the room I was in was mostly empty other than a few chairs, and tables. “Hello! How may I help you?” A kind, soft voice said. I looked up to where I heard the voice, the voice came from a blue, black and white fox at the counter. I thought I should probably say something back so they didn’t think I was ignoring them.

    “H-Hi, I’m here about the job,” I said in a tired and slightly nervous tone. “Oh! I assume you're Muddy! My name is Lily,” she exclaimed in a happy tone.”Ya I’m Muddy, nice to meet you Lily,” I said trying not to sound tired. “Nice to meet you too, now I know this is quite fast but can you follow me to the back, I want to teach you about the job,” she said, slightly nervous. “Of course,” I responded. She started heading to the back and I followed behind. 

    I followed her down a dark and long hallway, til we reached a small door. “This little room could be considered your own office,” she said happily while opening the door. The room had a chair and dusty desk. “Well... not really an office but just a place where you can put your stuff,” she muttered quietly. “Oh, thanks,” I said, putting my mug on the desk. “O-oh, is that the only thing you brought, I was hoping you brought at least a phone or something,” she said confused. “I have my phone in my pocket,” I said. “That’s great! Now I can’t teach you much because it is almost night and we really need someone to work the shift. I’ll make you a deal though, I’ll sleep at the front desk tonight so if you need help, I’m right there!” she exclaimed happily, “there also should be a mirror on the desk, I think some sorta creature lives in there that could help you!” I was a bit confused about the last statement about a mirror creature but before I could ask anything, she was gone.

I looked at the desk, there definitely was a mirror there. I picked up the mirror and looked at it and…..nothing, all I saw was my reflection. I still decided to take the mirror with me, I don’t know why but I just did. I left my “office” and looked down the dark hall and walked down it. I walked down the hall, clutching the mirror close to my chest. I made it to a turn and turned down the hall, but I felt like something was watching me. I looked behind me, there was a tiny white pony, it didn’t have any eyes but it felt like it was staring straight at me. The pony looked like a mannequin the more I thought about it. I decided to just ignore it and continue to explore the lab. I still felt like the pony was still following me though so I looked behind me, and there it was, but it was closer then it was last time I looked. I decided to look forward and run to the closest door and ran inside it. 

I caught my breath and looked around the room I ran in. It was mostly empty other than a long chain, barley not touching the ground, hanging from the ceiling. Now, how should I think of ways…..”Hello there!” HUH, what was that, I looked around the room in confusion. “Look at the mirror,” I quickly looked at the mirror, in the mirror there was a green and red goat with a puffy jacket. “H-huh how are you alive, how do you eat, h-how do you-” the creature cut me off, “JEEZ, you ask a lot of questions, you really are a scientist! First, how about we start with names?  mine is cleanly, what’s yours?” “.....Oh, o-oh, the name, the name is muddy,” I said, stumbling on my words.  “Ok good, we know each names now. Now I suggest listening to me now, you saw that stupid little pony outside, that thing will do some horrible crap to you if it gets ya. It can’t see but it got some good dang hearing, so I suggest something to distract it,” cleanly told me. “Really? If that’s dangerous then why should I trust you-” before I finished what I was saying I heard a huge bang on the door.  

“Just trust me, come on,” cleanly said, slightly angry. “Ok, ok, fine,” I ripped off the chain from the ceiling and slowly opened the door. There it was, that pony sitting outside the door. I threw the chain as far as I could down the hall and ran in the other direction. After I turned down the hall and looked behind me… the pony didn’t follow me. “HA, told ya to trust me, I may dumb but I’m not a complete idiot,” said cleanly, kinda bosting.  The mirror creature was slightly pissing me off but I know it’s my only help at tje moment.

I continued to walk down the hall, the mirror creature still speaking on and on, “HAHAHA told ya I was trustworthy, now lets me tell you a bit about myself so you will trust me a little more. Wait! there is a creature in here, looks like slime but I don’t know if it’s dangerous, maybe it is, may-” I stopped walking “Hey, why did ya stop...ohhhh,” there was a dead rat on the ground, just laying there. Then I heard something, a quiet hiss, like a snake.

“Hello there,” I heard something hiss behind me. I turned around and looked up, there was a huge snake hanging from the ceiling. “I was lisssening in earlier and heard your name is muddy, right,” the snake asked, already knowing the answer. “HEY, don’t talk to my…HEY HEY WHAT YOU DOING,” the snake took the mirror and threw it down the hall. “Now me and you muddy have time to talk.”  I was thinking what the heck is this creature doing and what does it want from me. I slowly backed away from the snake and towards the mirror. The creature slithered behind me and stopped me. “Whoa there mr.goat man where do you think your going, thinking you can esssape from me.” The snake was bigger than I thought, it was nearly as long as a bus.

I thought for a moment, and saw that there was a way around the snake. I ran and jumped through the opening. “What do you think you're doing goat man,” the snake hissed angrily. I grabbed the mirror laying on the ground and smacked the snake with the mirror. The snake hit the wall and I ran as fast as I could down the hall. “Ow, you didn’t need to hit me against the snake like that,” said cleanly. “Sorry about that, didn’t even realise you could feel pain like that,” I said looking at the mirror. 

I noticed something in the mirror though, it was a creature, looked like a puddle of slime, “um cleanly, I think there is something behind you.” “Please, it's probably that creature I told you about early, it's harmless like-” before cleanly could finish his sentence the slime-like creature grabbed him and dragged him out of sight. “CLEANLY?!? You ok I can’t see you, are you,” before I could finish my sentence a huge hooved hand busted from the mirror. I dropped the mirror, glass went everywhere, a gigantic slime creature climbed from the mirror. 

When the creature finally stood up, that thing was nearly double the height of me. I was barely able to get up and run away, but I could hear it just following behind me. I knew I had to get Lily or something. I ran till I turned the corner off the hallway, at the end of the hall there was a door, bigger than any door in this lab. I ran as fast as I could towards the door. When I made it to the door, I swung it open and turned to the side. The creature ran into the room at full speed, when the creature got in the room I slammed the door and pushed on my body on the door so it didn’t open. I got my phone out of my pocket and called Lily, “huh, oh, it’s you muddy, is something up?” she said, sounding like she just woke up. “Ya, I need you to come back here, I’m at this place with the biggest door in this place, all bring a chair,” I said, still trying to keep the door shut. “Oh, I know where that is, and sure I’ll bring a chair,” she said, as I heard her get up. It was only a couple minutes, but it felt like hours till she got to me.  

“Hey, well look who needs help on their first day,” Lily said, walking up to me with a chair. “H-Hey, so I see you brought the chair, c-could I have that please,” I said, very nervous. She gave me the chair and I pushed it against the door. “What’s in there? Looks like you’re trying to keep that door closed,” she questioned.  “N-nothing much, just a creature trying to kill me or something…worse,” I mumbered nervously. “Already! I know this place is dangerous but-” before she could finish her sentence, a huge hooved hand busted through the door and grabbed Lily by the neck. It dragged her in the door, I wanted to save her but I was already running away. I turned the corner, I then saw the office door I started in, I ran towards it, the creature right behind me. I strung the door open and went into the office and locked the door. 

I caught my breath and realized that I was screwed, there was no way out of this office and no way to get around the creature outside the door. I looked up, there was a half open vent. I knew that was my only escape. I grabbed a chair and put in under the vent and climbed up to the vent. I heard the door slam open as soon as I got in the vent, I crawled through the vent, till I saw another vent opening. I busted open the vent opening, falling to the floor, then I saw it, it was the front lobby. I ran towards the front doors, but before I opened the metal doors I looked back, the creature was just standing there looking down at me. I looked back at the doors and opened them and walked out of the lab.