Beneath the Mountain

2 years, 8 months ago

Scrapped entry for an old PeakWing event! Aeris finds herself trapped in the endless caverns of Silverkeep, and amidst the dark caves find a treasure greater than any gem or gold.

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She’d had it all perfectly orchestrated in her head. 

The tales she’d regale her students with of the great mining town, how a few lucky dragons found its first few gems and the great rush of pioneers that followed. A little glow of excitement came about just at the thought of her showing off the residents’ intricate cave systems to a crowd of her wonderful mentees. 

And now here she was. 

Pacing between monotonous caverns, the lamp clutched between her jaws bumping against her chest and throwing dizzying shadows to the walls. Severed from her poor students by a freak accident within the unpredictable caverns, Aeris had found herself in an entirely foreign end of the mountain. How long had she been underground? Her talons ached from the effort of carrying herself so far, and just trying to recall how long she’d been underground left her mind swimming. 

A defeated sigh echoed off the walls as she sank to the floor, staring blankly down the endless hall. The fire of the lantern danced in the darkness, gobbling up her vision as her eyes slowly closed... 

There was a baby crying. 

Her eyes shot open and ears pricked, swiveling to detect the sound’s source. 

Down the hall. 

She retrieved her lantern, the flame seemingly brighter with her sudden burst of energy. 

She galloped down the many paths of the caves, left, right, then back again, following the sounds of the poor child. How could anything like that have gotten down here? Oh, it had to have been cold, and so scared. Suddenly her own pains seemed to melt away, her only goal to help whatever poor thing had been trapped underground like her. 

She stopped suddenly, nearly tripping over her talons as she turned a corner into a new room. By then she’d realized that the crying had suddenly stopped, and there was no other noise but for the gentle hum of the earth. Defeated, knowing completely well that she was well and truly lost, she turned to leave and hope to retrace her steps. Right as she took a step back, something pearly white caught her eyes. She turned, taking a few moments to register the strange object. 

An egg? 

She paced closer, setting the lantern beside it and blinking in surprise. What could such a treasure be doing so far underground? Was it even alive? With gentle talons, the same that had held countless eggs just like it, she tenderly held it against the light. 

There it was. 

The outline of an unborn dragonet, veins of life outlining the shell. 

It was still alive. 

A beautiful, unborn PeakWing just waiting to see its first glimpse of the real world. 

“Oh, you poor dear.” 

She gently rested the egg in her mane, the soft fur holding it in its warm embrace. Just the thought—the feeling—of it there was enough to boost her strength and determination, readying her to leave. 

If you asked, she would have no idea as to how she got out. Between all the twists and turns and the shadows that danced on the walls and the horrid growls that echoed off the cave, she had no idea as to how she escaped. 

She remembered coming down a lucky hall from which the sound of rushing water could be heard. And a tunnel, a tunnel from which blinding sunlight could be seen. 

“Are you ready?” 

Her voice was hardly more than an excited whisper as she nuzzled the little bundle she carried. Keeping it secure in her mane, she tilted her head up proudly and marched down the corridor, with all the pride and elegance of a queen. 

The first thing she noticed was the warm sunshine on her face. She registered soft soil, her talons digging into the cushiony dirt, a welcome reprise from the cave’s harsh, jagged stone floors. She heard her students, her wonderful, safe students. And, she heard someone walking up to her. 

“Where did you find that?” Her tour guide’s voice came in a rumbly, sharp snarl. Her eyes shot open, aching slightly as they adjusted to the light, and the dragon before her. Looking up to face him, she was met with a scarred, scowling face. She could see the traces of MudWing in the self-proclaimed SandWing, outlining his heavy build and shining amber eyes. 

“I- well I found this down here.” She pulled a bit of her mane aside to show the little treasure she held safely in it. The delicate off-white shell shimmered in the sunlight, welcoming its first rays. 

He leaned forward, peering down his snout at the little bundle. “You’re sure it’s alive? Someone might’ve left it there, maybe because they couldn’t take care of another or-“

She nodded quickly, not wanting to hear the rest of the statement. The feeling of life was still there, emanating from inside. “Yes, I’m sure of it.” 

He regarded her for a moment, his questioning eyes never shifting. Eventually he sighed and turned away. “Don’t come crying to me when you realize.” 

Despite his cold premonition, she knew it was alive. She saw the little creature inside, and she could feel the love and warmth it left her with. 

Her little gift from beneath the mountain.