
3 years, 5 days ago

Explicit Violence

From the ENA AU, in which Sorus is killed and reformed again in a new, metaphysical body.

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"It's better if you don't struggle." Hands whispered in his ears, bleached with static and memory foam. Sorus made a muffled cry, wildly kicking his legs, trying to pry the fingers from his mouth. It burned like pins and needles where they touched, it wasn't soft and gentle anymore. He could feel the air being crushed from his lungs as he was pinned on the ground, the scent of ozone made his eyes water. He didn't want to be here anymore. 

It wasn't fun anymore. 

It wasn't nice anymore.

Aurath's horrible, plastered smile was blocking his entire field of vision, and he couldn't look away. Just yesterday it seemed so sweet!! His own friend was killing him, he didn't want to die.

He didn't want to die anymore!

"I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!" He screamed with all his might, ripping the awful, floating hand off his face. Aurath's face contorted into a grimace, before glitching back to his sickly sweet smile. 

"Yes you do." He corrected, picking a broken shard of glass up from the ground. "You want to stay here, and you want to die." 

Sorus let out a momentary shriek, to try and call for help, before the hand clapped over his mouth again and the glass plunged into his stomach. He let out a suppressed cry of pain, starting to wail and sob as much as the crushing hand would let him. Sticky, hot red blood welled up and spilled onto the ground, like melting fudge on a summer Sunday afternoon. Aurath's hand pulled away long enough for him to gasp and weep and plead for him to stop, repenting and choking on his words. 

"Shhhh..." Aurath scooped a hand into the deep blue pond next to them, filling a rancid cup with glitching, frothing code. "This will make you better."

Despite Sorus's protests, he poured the thick syrup down his throat, watching him choke and cough wildly, writhing and sobbing in pain. 

He could hear him scream in pain as the pure liquid burned at his insides, trickling down his chin and cheeks like broken streaks on a TV. Such substance destroyed his mortal body.

He pressed down on his chest, harder and harder until he heard an audible crack- his feeble inner frame had snapped. Sorus gave a weak gurgle, his own red blood and the Holy Code bubbling out of his mouth. Aurath watched in satisfaction as the blue consumed the red, changing his insides. He leaned over his face, delighted by the terrified eyes staring up at him. He wasn’t even twitching now. 

“Now, then. Smile..” He pushed his fingers against his cheeks, and to his satisfaction they molded to his will. A few last tears slipped from Sorus’s eyes as he did so, but even they were filled with static now. “And forget.” He whispered, and everything went dark.