The Fairies

2 years, 9 months ago

From the Deldeson AU, in which Sorus unwittingly becomes victim to harassment from a bunch of fairies.

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Tall reeds of grass brushed against the small child's toddling legs as he wandered out into the meadow behind a thatched, cozy hut. The sun was in the middle of the brilliant blue sky, illuminating the violets and peeping pansies hiding in the field. The heat made the little toddler a bit faint, but he was tired of being cooped up inside. He settled down cross-legged in a patch of daisies, using his sleeves to wipe his damp forehead before reaching out to pluck a few of the flowers. His tongue poked out between his pursed lips in concentration as he attempted to weave the petals together, trying to make a daisy chain. He could bring it back and show his dad!

He became lost in his work, and sun dipped lower in the horizon- till he was interrupted by the soft, delicate sound of laughter. Immediately he looked up, eyes wide in curiosity. Was someone around? Maybe it could be someone he could talk to, they sounded friendly! Eagerly he stood, leaving the half-finished daisy chain on the ground. He followed the sound of laughter, bare feet padding against the underbrush as he slowly peeked out from around a tree.

Immediately he gave a soft little gasp, his jaw dropping open in awe. Several fairies were dancing in and out of the flowers, shimmering wings reflecting the colors of the rainbow as they danced from petal to petal. They were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen- and so tiny too! Yet the minute they heard him gasp, they all stopped in their tracks, swiveling around to look at the small boy hiding behind the tree.

His eyes widened further when he realized he'd been spotted, his cheeks flushing red in embarrassment. "I-i'm sorry-" He squeaked in barely a whisper, shuffling his feet awkwardly. "I couldn't help but hear you laughing-" He explained nervously, flinching a little as the fairies tilted their heads curiously. "I was just playing- and-- and you all seem like fun--" His voice got quieter and quieter as he talked, shrinking in on himself in embarrassment. "And I was wondering if-- maybe I could play with you..? I don't have many friends- so I'd like to make some..." He asked tentatively, shyly looking up at the winged bunch perched in their flowers.

The child held his breath as they stared at him after his little shaky request, nearly dying of stage fright. Some of them tilted their heads to the side, and then some buzzed their wings, flying up and hovering closer to him. He craned his head away as one got close to his face, his eyes wide. The gleam in its tiny eyes almost seemed like it was...inspecting him. Following its lead, more flew over, hovering inches away from his arms and face. After a few seconds of miserable silence, Sorus dared to breathe "..S-so- is that a yes?" in a barely audible voice.

Almost just as quickly, the fairies erupted into laughter. It was a chorus of tiny, but sinister cackles, and he yelped as they all darted onto him at once, like a mob of clinging, flying ants, festering all over him. "What a silly little thing!" He heard their tiny voices whisper into his ears as he fell to the ground, squeaking desperately and flailing his arms, trying to shake them off his body in a panic. "Look at his stubby little tusks!" "What a beastly boy!" "I can't tell what he is!" "Look at his little nubs! Look at his claws!" He started to cry as they pinched at his skin and took locks of hair, pulling at it just for fun. "Do you think he's a goblin?" "Nasty little thing!"

He sobbed and pleaded for them to stop, kicking and writhing before he managed to scuffle to his feet, blindly rushing through the trees to try and get away. As he ran, he felt the fairies fly away, cackling maliciously in the trees as he left them behind. His little legs didn't stop till he reached the doorframe of the little cottage, and there he collapsed, out of breath and sobbing his heart out, his golden hair a matted and tangled mess. "I just wanted- I just wanted to play-" Was the only thing he could gasp, it felt like the wind was knocked from his lungs. However, the only thing that hurt worse than the tiny red pinch marks forming all over his body were the tears the slipped down his face, and the aching hiccup in his chest.