No Baby

3 years, 7 hours ago

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Aspen was a beautiful grey wolf with one white stripe going down her beautiful, well-shaped face. She had kind dark eyes and was one of the friendliest wolves in the Mountains. She started her pack with a wolf named Axel. Their first litter had one pup, a beautiful all-brown pup named Baby. Axel and Aspen were overtaken with joy and loved their pup more than anything in the world.

But there was something different about this pup, something not like this world. This pup was... strange. She had no mind, no feelings. When Baby looked up at Aspen, she got chills. The pup had blank black eyes, the only black on her body. There was no grey like Aspen, no orange like Axel. Only an eerie brown color and the most empty eyes ever seen. 

Even though she was unlike anything Aspen had ever seen, she loved her pup. She treated Baby like royalty, hunting for hours to bring her the best food, searching for days to find the cleanest water source. But Baby would not eat. She would not drink. She only stared at her mother with those big, black eyes.

One day, the pup got up, ignored her mother's calls to come back, and walked into a forest covered in blue mist. As soon as the pup entered, her brown coat turned black. She then appeared to glitch and started twitching violently. Terrified, Aspen cried and ran for her pup. As she was running, the pup turned and just stared at her with those eyes. Those dark, unnatural eyes. They put her into a trance, and she couldn't move. Oh, how she tried! Her mind begged Baby to come back, for her to wake up from this terrible nightmare. She never did. Her beloved pup, her whole life, left her. No Baby.

When the trance ended, she ran into the blue mist of the mysterious lands, abandoning Axel for days, maybe weeks. Axel cried helplessly, but he couldn't get into the lands. He could only wait for her.

After returning, she had changed, physically and mentally. Her coat now glowed with blue, her eyes just empty blue voids of anger. Where ever she went, a blue mist trailed along beside her. She had turned from a friendly, happy wolf into a quiet, vengeful being. Beside her were two pups with the same blue tint that consumed her body. Where they came from, nobody knew. She would never tell. In fact, she never talked again. She was simply a silent, wandering being. Not even a wolf. A soulless body that would forever be enraged.