
Physical Traits:
- Humanoid with animalistic legs. (fish, snake, dog, etc.)
- Carnivores no matter what the animal counterpart is. Child Qosts are Omnivores until they’re 16

- Ghostly features with luminescent bones visible in the transparent parts of the body

- It is possible for a Qost to be fully transparent and ghostly without passing away but it’s only possible if they remain on the home islands
- Life force features such as tattoos, prosthetics, or just simple accessories filled with colored water that’s dark or light depending on the Qost’s future. (usually made of glass).
- No matter the size of the accessory, the liquid decreases at the same rate as aging.

Spirit imprint marks on the eyes of adult Qosts. (commonly both eyes, rare cases show only one eye).
- The common imprint mark shape is of a keyhole. Other shapes are possible.

Additional Traits:
- Anklets of any design to prevent flotation and for linking to a companion spirit.