Getting Started

Welcome to Techtopia.

Are you new here? Lost on where to explore, or simply just want to add characters? Not to worry, we have created this simple "Getting Started" guide to help you with everything Techtopia.

The Basics

World Status: The World Status displays the status of the world. See below for details:

OPEN: Anyone is free to join the World and submit characters. We ask that you please see our Rules and Guidelines before doing so.

SEMI-OPEN: The World can be viewed publicly, but only a certain group of people can join the World and submit characters. This will normally be listed in the alert section at the top of the World homepage.

CLOSED: Public users will be unable to view the World, join the World, or submit characters. Only users with an invite provided by the Moderation team will be able to join and submit characters in this status.

These may change at any time, depending on current or upcoming events, or world maintenance. The status can be found at the top of the World homepage.


Below are the different navigational areas of Techtopia; General and In-World, along with summaries of each page.


Screenshot-2022-02-14-5-25-19-PM.pngRules/ Guidelines: The rules and guidelines of Techtopia. This is to ensure that Techtopia is a safe and fun world for all.

Getting Started: This page, perfect for people who are new to Techtopia, or need a refresher on what things are!

Bulletins: News and Updates regarding Techtopia, including status changes, additions, and more.

Characters: The characters of Techtopia. This area is split into the sides of Techtopia, Union and Army, as well as extra characters who are a part of Techtopia, but not on a side.

Forums: Community posts by members of Techtopia. A fun way to interact with other members!

Discord Server: Server for Techtopia events!

Note: "Techtopia Map" has moved to the right side text box on the main page.



Union/Army Summary: The leader of the sides, as well as each side's ideals and beliefs in Techtopia.

Timeline: The history of the sides, wars, characters and the modern era of Techtopia, detailed by year.

Characters: See which characters are on what side here.

Extras/Modern Day Summary: Further backstory for the characters who are a part of Techtopia, but not on a side.

Trooper's Tales: A fun literature created with the help of ReelFunProductions; from the perspective of Trooper, reminiscing on his times in the Union during The Wars.

Inside the USG: Literature created by eternitiesedge; from the perspective of Window, an Operating System developer at Gatesoft, the mega-corporation that rules Techtopia.

How to submit a character

We'd love to have your character become a citizen of Techtopia! In order to submit a character, you need to join the world. To join the world, click "Request Membership" under World Functions..


Once the membership request has been accepted, "Request Membership" will be replaced by "Submit Character", when clicked, you will be asked to select a character and prompted to give a reason for submitting that character, as seen below:


Giving a reason is optional, but highly encouraged! If you want your character to be on a certain side of Techtopia (i.e Union or Army), please state the side and why you believe that character should be on that side. As an example, "I want Tech to be on the Army as he wants Techtopia to benefit from the power of universal technology."

If you have questions

Have questions? Feel free to create a Forum by clicking "Forums" in the left hand side menu, located under "Characters".
