Techtopia's Bulletins


We wanted to post a quick reminder due to current events across the world; All of Techtopia is based off a fictional futuristic society. Its history, including The Wars, should not be considered real, or be taken seriously by any means.

We acknowledge the current events regarding Russia and Ukraine, and send our thoughts and prayers to Ukraine and its people.


[General] Techtopia is OPEN!

Posted 2 years, 3 months ago by eternitiesedge


We are proud to announce that Techtopia is officially OPEN to the public! 

OPEN: Anyone is free to join the World and submit characters. We ask that you please see our Rules and Guidelines before doing so.

Note: Some pages are considered "under heavy construction", and have this message on them: 


This is intentional, as we want to complete those pages once we have members and activities within the World. We thank you for understanding.

To make your experience in Techtopia the best it could be, feel free to view these pages! You can find a summary of all pages in our Getting Started guide.

Getting Started: Perfect for people who are new to Techtopia, or need a refresher on what things are!

Bulletins:This page, featuring news and Updates regarding Techtopia, including status changes, additions, and more.

We can't wait to meet you!



Today, we bring good news. Construction on Techtopia is complete, and we're gearing up to take the World public to all! As we prep for this and clean up our dust, the world remains SEMI-OPEN - with only certain individuals being able to join the world as a member and submit characters. Please see the status message at the top of the homepage for details.

Note: Some pages will still be considered "under heavy construction" when we take Techtopia public, and will have this message on them: 


This is intentional, as we want to complete those pages once we have members and activities within the World. We thank you for understanding.

We'll see you soon!



We are nearing completion of Techtopia's construction, with only a few essential pages left to complete. After completion, we will be opening Techtopia to the public! We are excited to welcome everyone to our World, and can't wait to make memories with you all! 

Note: Some pages will still be considered "under heavy construction" when we take Techtopia public, and will have this message on them: 


This is intentional, as we want to complete those pages once we have members and activities within the World. We thank you for understanding.

IMPORTANT: Before you join our world, please read the following:

Getting Started: This is a comprehensive guide with everything you need to know about Techtopia! From navigation to submitting characters. We hope this will be helpful as you familiarize yourself with our World.

Rules and Guidelines: Important information regarding Techtopia's rules and membership guidelines. These will be strictly enforced. We want to keep Techtopia a safe and fun place for the entire community, and by reading/following these rules and guidelines, you will help with that mission. Thank you for your cooperation.

Have any questions? We know you may have questions as we gear up for Techtopia's public launch. For questions, we will utilize the Forums as part of the World. Forums can be found on the left-hand menu, under "Characters".


Thank you for your continued patience and support. We will update you once we take Techtopia open to the public! 


Greetings, and welcome to Techtopia!

Techtopia is currently undergoing heavy construction as we prepare to launch this futuristic world. At this time, the world is considered SEMI-OPEN, meaning while everyone can request to join, only certain people are allowed to submit characters. When we get closer to Techtopia's completion, we will open Techtopia to the public. Please stay tuned for any status changes.

List of users allowed to submit characters under SEMI-OPEN status:

If you meet the criteria and are submitting a character, please add a reason for submitting your character.

We will continue to update this world, and will put out another bulletin updating everyone on Techtopia's progress soon.

Thank you.