Cistidas's Bulletins

Change of Ownership!

Posted 10 months, 9 days ago by dragonickittens


Change of Ownership!


44090957_rDhMTRJmWxKvKNG.png?1642437878Hello everyone! Due to how things have been on my side, I just haven't really had much time to really put love into the species. Due to several mental break downs and things going on in my personal life, I decided to sell the species to a close friend of mine. They asked me if I would consider selling the species to them, and I said I'd be ok with it. Szarlotka is the new owner and they are doing an amazing job at coming up with lore as well as some new things for the species. I will remain as an admin for the species, so you will still see me around.

Shark has decided that the species will be 18+, so you will need to be an adult to be apart of the community!

This world will stay open to keep track of the previous generations, and any Cistidas made before the change will be grandfathered in. I will make a new bulletin when a new world has been made, but that might be a while!

All MYOs that haven't been used are still valid! Just be sure that you have your proof of your MYO so Shark can see it. If you do not have proof of your MYO, please DM me either here or on discord and we'll discuss it!

If you want any updates on the species from this point forward or have any questions, Shark has asked that you can DM them on here or on discord (username is sharkybunkle).

I thank everyone who helped support the species and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. :D

- dragonickittens

Message from Shark:

"Hello all! I can't wait to revive this beautiful species Kit created. While their will be a lot of changes including new content for all to enjoy, Though I will mention the main change being they will no longer be connected to Seocs a species by Hemloq because as someone who isn't on their mod team and has never had anything to do with the species I feel like I would be mooching off of  someone else's hard work as well as it being down right awkward. I hope all the changes will run smoothly not jst for me but all you as well. Thank you"

Looking for Mods/Contributors

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by dragonickittens


dcajw75-99774a60-d3a9-46b2-9305-beaecb70Looking for Mods/Contributors dcajw75-99774a60-d3a9-46b2-9305-beaecb70


Hello everyone! So I'm looking for people to help me work on developing this species a little more.

d9jry1r-73ec2325-9508-49fb-913d-7726ea51 You will at least need a discord account. Its easier for me to keep in contact with you as well as gather ideas in one place.

d9jry1r-73ec2325-9508-49fb-913d-7726ea51 Keep in mind that if you are accepted, you are allowed to keep any profits off of your designs, money or art offers, it doesn't matter. Payment methods (paypal/kofi/cashapp, etc), are up to you.

d9jryzf-f7a52abe-7f98-4fca-926a-5b0c3ec7 I ask that minors do not apply. You need to be at least 18 years old. (If I know you personally, you are free to do so, but pay in mind that the chances will be low.)

Those are the main requirements in order to join, but if you are unsure, feel free to ask me questions. 


dcajw75-99774a60-d3a9-46b2-9305-beaecb70 Cistidas dcajw75-99774a60-d3a9-46b2-9305-beaecb70

Cistidas is a personal species by me and they live on the same planet as Seocs. (Sister species by Hemloq.) It is not required to own a Seoc to own a Cistidas. I'm strongly considering having this species semi-open, so only common traits are allowed to be made freely by anyone. Rare and higher will be locked behind species currency or USD.

Here is a link to the trait sheets. I'm not gonna put all of the images down since there are quite a bit. But below this is an example of a Cistidas.


I am looking to give them a little bit more lore in the future, so you guys are free to help me come up with some new lore as well if you wish. I have several NPCs for Cistidas already, but I'm willing to hear out any other ideas.


dcajw75-99774a60-d3a9-46b2-9305-beaecb70 Application Forms dcajw75-99774a60-d3a9-46b2-9305-beaecb70

So now that you know the basic idea for all of the species above, please fill out the form below and post it in the comments.

d9jry1r-73ec2325-9508-49fb-913d-7726ea51 Please make sure to include any samples of your work. You can tell me about your past experiences with other species as a mod/contributor/guest artist.

d9jryzf-f7a52abe-7f98-4fca-926a-5b0c3ec7 You do not have to put down your age, just state if you are an adult or a minor.


Discord?: y/n

Age: Adult/Minor (You do not have to include your age!)

Which species are you interested in?: Sundaes/Cistidas/Snackies/All

Are you familiar with at least 2 of the species?:

Examples of your work:


Thank you guys for your interest, I will contact you when I can.

Pixel art used is by DieagoVainilla and King-Lulu-Deer

Interest check (Please read)

Posted 1 year, 5 months ago by dragonickittens


Secret Santa kind of thing

Hey everyone, so I'm doing a small interest check to see if anyone is cool with doing this. I thought of this idea while I was at work, and I thought it would be pretty fun, you know?

So there will most likely be a theme for this, but I will be sure to have you guys to fill out a form on things you do or don't like. Pay in mind, this is just a fun thing for everyone to do.

This will be open to the public, so new people are welcome to join in! :D So do feel free to share the bulletin when I have that set out so everyone can see it. :)

Til then, I'll talk to yall later! <3 Thanks!

<-- Art by smolmortician


Small announcement


  • Depression sucks butt
  • Might have another MYO event
  • Sorry for going dark since August.

Hey everyone

So... Its been a bit since August... I had a major episode with my depression and I just kinda backed off. It also didn't really help that I felt like no one was interested, but that could just be a personal problem. I'm trying my best to try and revive my species, but at this time, I just don't have any ideas. I also bought another species, and I'm also trying to think of a revive for that one too. But its hard when you feel like no one is interested or it seems like you're the only one working on it.

In a sense, I am the only one that works on Cistidas. :/ Maybe I'll open up positions in the future, but as of right now, I just don't know. I'll probably make an announcement to see if anyone is interested in joining the team and to apply. If you are interested, you can comment down below or message me. Just please be patient with me for this though.

I'll probably open up another MYO event around August, but that's gonna be a long way off. I probably won't be adding any of the traits I came up with since I don't really think anyone is interested. I'm not going to be asking for any trait suggestions either. If more interest does gain from the MYO event, I might ask for trait suggestions, but I'll have to think on it hard.

If you are still here in the species, thank you for sticking around. If you aren't, its ok, I understand.

Thank you for reading if you did.

Reminder for the MYO event

Posted 2 years, 26 days ago by dragonickittens

If you haven't claimed your free MYO, please do so now! The MYO event will be closing on the August 31st, 11:00 PM CST!

Please go here to claim your MYO!

Just a small reminder that the MYO Raffle ends this Saturday! So please enter soon!

You can find the raffle and the information here!

If no one else enters, the MYOs will be split between the two that did enter, so keep that in mind.

Thanks everyone!



August 2022: Events and Updates!

Hello everyone! First off, I've updated the Trait sheets and Rarities, so please check that out here.

We are also having a MYO sale for the species! Check that info out here!

We are also holding 3 events this month! So come and join the fun!

Event Winners from the First Cistidas Event!

Congratulations to MagicSweetChi and Overcooked-Pasta for your lovely entries! Both came together to write a small story and drew wonderful illustrations for it!

MagicSweetChi's entry:

Dazzle: So sorry ma'am she is terrible. No not just around new people either...
Winsiten: I see Dazzle, well I am glad you are with her. Oh dear does she bite!?!
Alice: Hi, hi, hi! Who are you? Let me see your hair!!!


Overcooked-Pasta's entry:

The continuation of Dazzle and Alice, first encounter with Winsiten. Dazzle invited his new friend over to drink some tea. He wanted to try the strange glowing herbs that Alice found in the Seocs city. Though Winstiten found the flavor to be disgusting, she force herself to drink it all.


First event: Free Cistidas MYO!

  • Go check that out here!
  • Both old and first time owners are welcome to join this event! Be sure to read all of the rules on the post to get your MYO!
  • Both MagicSweetChi and Overcooked-Pasta can use the new event traits on their free MYO! This is a thank you for joining the first event for your wonderful entries!

Second Event: Happy Birthday Europa!

  • Go check that event out here!
  • This event is participation based, so please keep that in mind! There are several lovely prizes as well as new event traits you can use! Check it out the visual reference below!


Third event: MYO Raffle

  • Go check that event out here!
  • All tickets will be drawn on August 20th, 2022! All you gotta do is comment on the thread saying that you want to join!

Closing Statements

I hope you all have fun with these events! I will announce the winners at the end of the event on August 31st, 2022!

First Cistidas Event!

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by dragonickittens

Hey everyone! Sorry that this has taken me forever and a day to produce, but here is the First event for Cistidas! Please go to the link below to do the event! <3

I can't wait to see everyone's entries and I hope you all have fun!


So I've been milling over this for a while now since the end of the MYO event. I'm really happy that you guys were interested in the species, as well as seeing the WIPs of your designs. But I've decided that I'll be making it a personal species since the community is rather small. You are still able to keep your Cistidas and you can still do what ever you want with them, but do keep in mind that your MYO from the free event still has an expiration date. Please be sure you submit your MYO either to me on discord or on this thread, all free MYOs need to be submitted before April 30th, 2022 or they will expire.44090957_rDhMTRJmWxKvKNG.png?1642437878

Regarding to MYO purchasing: I might close this down til further notice til there is an interest in the species. I will be creating a reward system for purchasing a MYO outside of events. I will let you guys know more about that information in the future. Hybrid MYOs will only be available to purchase since I'll be splitting the funds with Hemloq. You can still offer artwork for a MYO here if that is the case in the future.

Regarding the Master List: As long as your character is in the Toyhouse world, your character is in the masterlist. If you trade or gift your character, you must let me know. If they have plans to change the character, they need to message me directly about it so I can remove their character and void out the design. All voided out Cistidas cannot be turned back into one unless you buy a MYO ticket.

Regarding the discord: I will be moving Cistidas over to the Seoc discord in the future. Til I work out a few more things before I close the discord, it will remain up. Feel free to still chat in there as well as show any WIPs of your characters or MYOs.

I do have plans for events, I did have one originally planed for March, but due to how things were goin on IRL, I wasn't able to get it written out and submitted. We will most likely have this event happen when we have everything merged into the seoc discord.

The next MYO event won't happen til August. I do have plans to release Admin MYO slots, but only via raffles. I will put down more information in the future.

Thank you everyone for joining in the species, it means a lot to me. Til next time!

Cistidas First MYO event!

Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by dragonickittens


Hello everyone! Welcome to the First Cistidas event! To start off the species, we are having a free MYO event!

Meet our Mascots!

Europa and Ziihna

Event is now over! If you want a MYO slot, you will have to buy it or join in on events!

For this event, you will have access to Common to Rare traits! To view the trait lists, please click here!

Want a legendary or mutation trait? Check this out!

To get 1 legendary trait: Share the species in a journal/bulletin/post.To get 1 legendary trait: Tag at least one friend.To get 1 mutation: Draw one of the mascots.To get 2 mutations: Draw both of the mascots.

For the Seoc Community:

For anyone that has been in the Seoc community for a while, you will be able to get 1 admin trait! In order to get this trait, you need to share either images or profile links to your two favorite Seocs!


Make sure you join the toyhouse world and discord!Be sure to look over the species TOS before you join in.If you want to get a MYO slot, you need to do so BEFORE February 28th.The Free MYO has a life span of three months. Make sure you get it in and approved before April 30th, 2022.Please, if you are on any of the other two platforms I'm posting this on, please only post it once. Its one MYO per person.You can commission someone else to draw your MYO. If you do, make sure you have a screen shot of your MYO proof.Cistinas made with a free MYO cannot be sold, only traded or gifted.Cistinas is part of the Seoc world. You do not have to own a Seoc to own a Cistinas.Please fill out the forum to get your MYO!


Link to journal/bulletin/post:
Did you draw one of the mascots?:
Any questions?:

Extra things!

All MYO slot info and trait upgrade prices are listed here! If you want to buy a trait upgrade or MYO slot, please go here to purchase.

My customs will be open during this event. So feel free to commission me. Please click here for my commission info!

Make sure you register your Cistinas here so they can be added to the master list.

If you have any questions, please let me know either here or in the discord server! I'm here to help!

Edit: I'm going to be ending the event on Feb 24th since I'm going to be visiting my sister on the last few days. I'm not really going to have access to dA or Buzzly during that time. I will only be available on discord and barely on toyhouse (mostly since I'll be using mobile.) Thank you for joining the event to everyone!