
A brief explanation of everything •••

Snaklings live in tribes, and these vary in many respects, ending up being so different that a Snakling from one country does not get along with a Snakling from another — not only their languages, but also cultures, values, religions or approach to life is diverse. One thing does not change regardless of where they are living in the world — they are connected by nature and rather primitive; they do create small towns and have some kind of technology, though they are more medieval than anything. •••

Snaklings have always been close to what is natural and created by the "gods", i.e. the creative forces of the world itself, throughout their entire existence; they did not feel the need to oppose it and change the laws governing the world as humans do. They derive their strength from what nature gives them and do not expect more from it even when it is not generous. Despite the fact that they did not develop as much as humans did (in technological terms, of course!), they also created some more objects that were aimed at making their lives easier, in particular hunting or defending territories (spears, daggers, bows, simple traps and the like), they also have numerous decorations such as wild dragon boars necklaces. •••

They are no different from humans in terms of their psyche. Representatives of this race are characterized above all by curiosity about the world, they like to observe and learn new things about nature without disturbing it in any way. Violation of the peace of nature is punishable, which is why Snaklings consciously inhibited their technological development and stopped it at a level that allows them to survive, while not entirely destroying what the gods created. •••

At the birth of every Snakling, a tree of the family from which it comes is planted — some Snaklings identifies with maple, others with willow or spruce (depending on subspecie the plant kind may vary); newborns' trees are called Saints, and the destruction of family trees heralds a bad omen, perhaps even a curse. They cherish Nature; what they take from her, they try to compensate for it in aby possible way. •••

Compared to majestatic extinct dragons and ordinary, boring humans, representatives of this race seem to be fairy-tale-like creatures. They are above all calm; if they fight, they probably do it for the sake of their families and territories. They are also not competitive, and although the hierarchical division is present here, every one of them is proud to be part of this and not another caste. One must admit, however: they are fearful. •••

They avoid contact with unknown forces or other Snaklings outside their society as much as they can. The elders teach young Snaklings that everything outside of safe territory is a danger to them, therefore they are very rarely seen alone, far from their communities. They have very developed feelings and emotions, and many of them find themselves in art — singing, playing instruments, drawing, sculpting. Sometimes in rare instances, Snaklings join communities they weren't part of but that's a rather rare case; doesn't happen that often. •••