❀ Rules ❀


#1. Be respectful and polite to all the members of the world. This is a place for creativity, entertainment and friendship, not to put others down

#2. Do not harass/be toxic to others, such as insulting, arguing, or putting others down - all races, genders, sexualities, ethnicities and more are allowed in PlactoPlants.
(What counts as hatespeech can vary from person to person, but if you're unsure something you're going to say is hatespeech or not, it's best not to say it.)

#3. Be mindful of your language! Swearing is allowed, but please keep it moderate; words such as 'hell'/'damn' and things of the like do not apply to this.
(Slurs result in an immediate ban from the species, especially those used to hurt others.)

#4. Please keep topics in their correct bulletins/forums/pages, do not misuse forums or the like repeatedly.

#5. Never post links or files that can be malicious, dangerous, or harm a user in any way, this will result in an immediate ban from the species.

#6. Please do your best to keep drama, politics, cancel culture and the like out of the species, if you want to have a discussion about this with someone please take it to DMs.
#7. Only staff members such as Admins or Moderators are permitted to answer questions asked in the world, this is to help not give incorrect information. Answering questions as a non-staff member is not allowed, and while we understand your willingness to help, we want everything to be as accurate as possible!

#8. Keep the topics in the world PG! We want to have a friendly environment for all.
(Do not post anything relating to NSFW, substance abuse, or anything that displays a grave nature.)

#9.  Do not interfere with staff members duties:
- Do not argue with them while they actively moderate
- Do not send fake evidence, or edit screenshots to suit your narrative
- Do not argue with the decision of any staff member
- Do not call upon any staff without a good reason

#10. Do not use alternate accounts maliciously:
-Entering in giveaways to give yourself an unfair advantage
-Bypassing a punishment given to your main account

#11. Begging for items, currency, characters, nitro, or art is strictly prohibited and will result in a warning; similarly, guilt-tripping others or whining if you did not get something also applies to this.

#12. Please do not submit non-Placco characters to this world; this world only contains PlactoPlants and it's subspecies!

#13. PlactoPlants and the subspecies it holds are a Closed Species, meaning you cannot make one without a MYO. If you see others making illegal Placcos or similar, please contact a staff member.

If you need to report someone, please contact Panic89 or an available staff member.