images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTm0epQjbehL2I17qjjKtEMarshies' Kingdomimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQ7X4NV87kQ2llgjzms7u

An AU in the Marshies Species where the traits a Marshie was born with influences how society views you and what roles in the kingdom you get stuck in. Some traits can be more of a punishment than a reward, depending on where in the kingdom you find yourself.

You can find a list of some of the more important traits here!

Originally this AU was supposed to center around the story of Corina, one of CookieCloudss' Marshies, and her journey of how she stopped the Queen from controlling how people lived, but she could never get the characters she wanted for the story. Now the universe and story is open for anyone to join (Marshie characters only please), and will probably be roleplayed in the Marshie Role Play server so we can see where the story goes from there.

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