Planet Nocte Canis

A planet that's the home to Cervides, Derenlends, Nightsnares, and Soulreapers

general info

The planet of Nocte Canis is galaxies away from earth, but is very much tied to it. Weird beasts like Nightsnares, Derenlends, and Soulreapers are present, resembling creatures and animals from earth just alienized. Nightsnares are wolf-like animals with exposed rib cages and galaxy stomachs typically, also having a whip-like tail and three sets of eyes. They have a distant relative called Soulreapers, who are corrupted and twisted versions of Nightsnares from eating a poisonous mushroom or by too much trauma. These beasts are the same wolf-like build and exposed rib cage but have two heads with exposed skulls, each head having their own personality, thoughts, and opinions. Not all Soulreapers are evil and destructive, but they typically are more corrupt then Nightsnares. Derenlends are bird-like deer beasts that live in herds based on their coloration and elemental abilities. Cervides are the intelligent species, making their own religions, cultures, inventions, etc. but based on their culture and religions, they focus more in preserving nature which is why their towns are more small and family centralized except with the main kingdom. The main kingdom tries to intermingle itself with nature but the Carnival of the Corrupted Eye is a heavy presence in all Cervide society. Its similar to the black market but more legal. Want more in depth lore check out the lore page!



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Pellentesque laoreet, libero non eleifend elementum, elit erat molestie dolor, vitae dapibus velit lacus quis nunc. Fusce tellus justo, posuere et augue ac, varius posuere nisi. Etiam at nibh arcu. Maecenas sem enim, ultricies ut quam quis, pulvinar faucibus libero. Donec pulvinar velit neque, euismod ultricies enim pulvinar ut. Maecenas id maximus nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus sapien ac sem viverra, at feugiat lectus rhoncus. Sed gravida rhoncus sapien, convallis molestie sem. Duis pretium sapien fermentum lacus egestas molestie sit amet ut eros. Nulla vitae porttitor eros. Phasellus molestie ipsum eget arcu suscipit, quis pretium ante iaculis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed id erat accumsan, imperdiet arcu sed, fringilla eros.


Pellentesque laoreet, libero non eleifend elementum, elit erat molestie dolor, vitae dapibus velit lacus quis nunc. Fusce tellus justo, posuere et augue ac, varius posuere nisi. Etiam at nibh arcu. Maecenas sem enim, ultricies ut quam quis, pulvinar faucibus libero. Donec pulvinar velit neque, euismod ultricies enim pulvinar ut. Maecenas id maximus nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus sapien ac sem viverra, at feugiat lectus rhoncus. Sed gravida rhoncus sapien, convallis molestie sem. Duis pretium sapien fermentum lacus egestas molestie sit amet ut eros. Nulla vitae porttitor eros. Phasellus molestie ipsum eget arcu suscipit, quis pretium ante iaculis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed id erat accumsan, imperdiet arcu sed, fringilla eros.

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