Since a lab accident in 1961, sightings of horrifying creatures became more prominent through the years. Although, they tend to breach out from time to time, it's kind of unpredictable. Surely, there had been rare occasions; usually leading into more...unfortunate causes. 

interstellar's are (I believe to be,) aliens merged by the consciousness of a host's shadow; usually ranging from anything dimmed and dull. They're generally chaotic, and take habits into causing shenanigans, while others tend to do whatever. They roam in dimensions, realities, universes, or so I've been told, anywhere. Whichever they think is best for themselves. ((They also prior to hiding around inside a human's shadow.)) It is NOT a very fun experience. Ahem.

It is clearly still in an unidentified zone ((exactly)) what they are or what they originate from, but they love to feed off of dreams. They have these strange abilities to enter a person's dreams to either make them better than they are or a lot worse than they could have been. However, of course, whether they want to or not; have human disguises for that occasion. (Or they can disguise themselves just to go get a burger. So many of my days are interrupted due to little odd sightings.) 

Please note, they're also extremely tall,(when out of disguise, they can shift their height by then, but the average is about 8ft-14ft.) They usually opt to lurk in the dark, so you might “hallucinate” seeing one or two, (if you're lucky.) 

This is all, for now. 

Signed, Finley Brandt.