PET: Fenguila




  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Capildiu fenguiliae

  • OTHER NAMES: Long cats, Noodles, Catfish

  • LIFESPAN: 8-10 years

  • CLASSIFICATION: Fauna, aerial, astronomic

  • FUNCTION: Pet, Companion

  • DIET: Carnivore

  • HOMEWORLD: Various

  • TEMPERMENT: Independent, playful

Fenguilae are unique creatures. They spend most of their lives off the ground, and tend to dwell at the edge of planet atmospheres, passing back and forth from atmosphere to space. They are small, and often retreat into space to avoid predators on the planet's surface, only returning to the sky to catch and eat birds, bugs, and anything else that flies or floats.

Their bodies are incredibly light, allowing them to float easily on most planets. They also lack a lot of what would be considered a normal skeletal structure, leaving their bodies incredibly flexible to swim through the air and fit between space debris with ease. While their rudder-like tail allows them to fly through their surrounding environment in short bursts of speed, they normally prefer to lazily drift along with wind currents, only truly moving if near prey or escaping a threat. They nest amongst space debris, their flexible bodies easily fitting into tight spaces. Their whiskers help them sense their way through complicated networks between debris pieces. The whiskers can also pick up very subtle changes in air pressure, allowing them to sense where prey might be flying.

As pets, they tend to be playful and friendly, winding around their owner's shoulders with affection. Despite their pleasant demeanor, they do tend to be very independent and stubborn, only doing what THEY want to do, rather than what their owner requests.



This box scrolls!

Fenguilae have long, eel like bodies. They have a low body mass, allowing them to float through the air on most planets. On their head, they have distinctively large eyes and horn ridges on their skull. It seems as though larger horns makes a fenguila more attractive to potential mates. Their legs are mostly vestigial, with only the front paws having any sort of prehensability. Their bodies are covered in a short, sleek fur-like substance. Despite the softness, this is actually very thin flexible scales! When threatened, the animal can make these scales stand on end, making them somewhat painful to grab or eat.

Fenguilae have disconnected jawbones, meaning that they can unhinge their jaw in the middle to swallow things much larger than expected. A fenguila who has just eaten might look deformed until it has settled the jaw back into place.


Fenguilae only have 84 bones! Their bones are few and flexible, allowing them to twist their bodies through the smallest holes. The ribs, collarbone, and sternum are all floating, only connected loosely to the spine with soft cartilage. The spine itself consists of floating vertebrae, connected with a fatty collagen tube. The spaces between vertebrae are padded with fat inside the tube to protect the spinal cord.


Fenguilae are small pets, able to be easily carried by hand or purse. They have become a sort of designer pet as of recent, with more vibrantly colored individuals set on display on shoulders and in bags in public. The figure in the image is about 5'6".

Fenguilae are carnivores. They are accustomed to eating smaller animals, and medium sized animals as well. They must be fed protein rich food daily as any other pet. A meal that is too big will render them unable to float, forcing them to slither across the ground with their tiny limbs. Some people find this cute, but it's incredibly stressful for the animal.

Fenguilae are adaptable animals that can survive in most conditions. However, they tend to dislike water, and may become stressed if not provided with higher up resting places. Just keep in mind that there is no countertop or table that will be safe from them.

Fenguilae are solitary animals, and may become territorial if kept with another of their species. Despite this, they tend to get along just fine with their owners and other pets. They sleep frequently, and can often be found floating aimlessly around the house. Despite the apparent laziness, they can be quite energetic when they want to. Toys that make higher pitched sounds such as squeaking toys or bells are usually the favorites. It is believed they enjoy these because they imitate the sounds their natual prey might make.

Fenguilae are a closed pet species exclusive to the djubetos species group! In order to make one, a rusted bell MYO item is required!

Fenguilae can have any colors or fur patterning, just try and follow the basic anatomy points displayed in this page! To submit a fenguila MYO design, simply DM iShibanu on toyhouse or discord, or post your design in the #pet-approvals channel in the group discord!