PET: Kobbari



[TW: Arachnaphobia! Proceed with caution]


  • SCIENTIFIC NAME: Formiduleos quamquam

  • OTHER NAMES: Kobbari, silk spiders, eek, arachnacats

  • LIFESPAN: 6-8 years

  • CLASSIFICATION: Fauna, terrestrial

  • FUNCTION: Pet, Pest

  • DIET: Insectivore

  • HOMEWORLD: Various

  • TEMPERMENT: Skittish, harmless

Kobbari are spider-like animals that are often seen inhabiting asteroids, caves, and occasionally basements or less visited areas of homes or ships. They are rather skittish, as their bodies are small and soft. Many people fear them because of a spider association, but they are completely harmless to humans and would much rather stay out of sight!



Kobbari are small, hexapedal animals the size of an American football. Each of the six legs are tipped with a soft foot with two claws. These paws are incredibly dainty and soft, and static generated in the hairs allow the animals to stick to walls, ceilings, and other surfaces. They have no tails, but their backsides are noticeably fluffy, with a silk gland hidden amongst the fur. This gland can produce strong silk that is either soft, or sticky, depending on its intended use. Soft silk is used for nests, while sticky silk is used to weave traps to catch prey.

While they have two fuzzy feelers on the head and four smaller ones on their back, the entirety of their bodies are covered in fine whiskers used to sense their way through caves and other tight spaces. Every ‘hair’ on the body is a soft whisker. The head also has four highly developed eyes and six pits that act as olfactory organs. The eyes are very sensitive to light, and thus, these animals are seldom seen during the day.

The mouth has no teeth save for two protruding fangs on either side of the mouth. These are able to inject a weak venom that is only potent enough to subdue their prey. They have a long tongue like an amphibian or insectivorous mammal that is used to snap up insects.

They have distinct male and female sexes, but in terms of dimorphism the females often tend to be bigger and bolder than the males, and have even been seen trapping them like prey if they happen to be particularly hungry...

Kobbari are insectivores, meaning they eat almost exclusively insects. They weave trap door type webs in order to catch prey, but every Kobbari uses a slightly different technique and web style.

Kobbari are also fond of the occasional opportunity to eat substances high in sugar such as fruit juice and honey. It’s not recommended to allow them to have such indulgences often, however, as an overweight Kobbari will be unable to climb and stick to surfaces properly.

Kobbari can be found across the universe. They most likely stowed away on human ships, as nobody is fully sure where they originated from. They are often seen inhabiting larger asteroids, but can most commonly be found in areas such as ship dump sites, basements, and really anywhere dark and quiet with a steady insect supply. As they are skittish, they are not recommended for households with frequent activity.

Kobbari are very timid animals. While they do warm up to individual humans (and can be very affectionate to their owners once this happens), it is rare for a Kobbari to not run and hide when they hear someone enter the house.

They are not known to bite or scratch, as their claws and fangs are too delicate to do any significant damage to human skin. When in distress and unable to hide, Kobbaris will flatten their bodies to the ground, with their legs spread as wide and flat as possible. It is unknown if this is an attempt at hiding in plain sight, or if it is the animal’s attempt to seem bigger and more threatening. When content, Kobbaris are known to bunch their legs under their bodies and “loaf” similar to Old World Felines.

Kobbari are a closed pet species exclusive to the djubetos species group! In order to make one, a silk bundle MYO item is required!

Kobbari can have any colors or fur patterning, just try and follow the basic anatomy points displayed in this page! To submit a Kobbari MYO design, simply DM iShibanu on toyhouse or discord, or post your design in the #pet-approvals channel in the group discord!