


The following traits shown on this page are not exhaustive, and serve largely as examples for you to go off of and encourage creativity within a, hopefully lax, set of rules. The sizes and shapes of all traits, except ear size, are not restricted. Traits based on any real-world animals are allowed except for insects, with the exception of wings. There is no restriction on any coloration except for sclera, though it is required that a Deva’s traits and colors correspond thematically to their element. If at any point you’re unsure if your trait idea is appropriate, or if you have any questions, please contact Myrthrae or a moderator.

MYO Price Model

Purchase of a MYO ticket requires a Toyhouse account. If you do not have an account, please contact Myrthrae, VelociRachel or a moderator for an account key.

If more individuals are interested in purchasing a slot than what is available, all interested parties will be entered into a random drawing to determine the buyer(s). Alternatively, a buyer may be selected based on who hasn’t had a chance before, or doesn’t have a Deva yet.

To purchase a ticket, please contact Myrthrae via Discord or Toyhouse. After payment via Paypal, the ticket will be transferred to your Toyhouse account. You may then create your Deva at your leisure, but you must send a draft of the design to Myrthrae or moderator for approval before uploading to Toyhouse. After approval, you may upload your design to Toyhouse under the character profile that the ticket was transferred with, and lastly your Deva will be entered into the archive.

All tiers allow selection of any common traits

Common – $10

Includes selection from all common-tier traits

Rare – $20

4 rare traits
  • 2 rare traits may be traded in for 1 mythic trait

Mythic – $30

3 mythic & 1 rare trait
  • 2 mythic traits may be traded in for 1 legendary trait
  • 1 mythic trait may be traded in for 2 rare traits

Legendary – $40

2 legendary, 1 mythic, & 1 rare trait
  • 1 legendary trait may be traded for 2 mythic traits

MYO tickets may be traded or gifted, but it is required that the recipient is in the Nova Terra Discord and/or Toyhouse world, and has a Toyhouse account with which to receive the ticket.

Purchasers of mythic or legendary tickets will enter a cooldown period for 1 ticket release cycle to allow others the chance to purchase.



Common All Deva have the option of human, plantigrade feet with five toes, or three-toed digitigrade feet. The size of the beans can vary.

✦✦ Rare Fur of varying length and texture growing from the heels or hocks.



Common Cartilaginous ears that taper off into points at the ends. Size, angle, and curvature of the ears may vary. Minimum size of ears pictured above.

✦✦ Rare Ears above the size pictured above would be considered a giant-eared trait. Alternatively, Deva may be lop-eared with soft, limp ears. The size and shape of the lop-eared trait may vary.

✦✦✦ Mythic Furry, fur-tipped ears, or ears corresponding to animal traits.



Common All colors available for irises and pupils. Standard round pupils, or cat-like, slitted pupils.

✦✦ Rare Acorea, aka absence of any pupils. Does not impact sight, because fantasy.

✦✦✦ Mythic Any color of sclera beside the standard white.

✦✦✦✦ Legendary Hereditary blindness, typically associated with seers and mystics.



Typically placed on centered sections of the body, such as the sternum, center of the forehead, the back of palms, or directly below the navel. Seal shape can be simple or complex, the shape/symbolism and coloration must correspond to Deva’s element. Seal color usually matches eye color, but is not required. If there are multiple seals on a Deva’s body, they don’t all have to be the same, just thematically similar.

Common One seal placed on a centered portion of the body.

✦✦ Rare One seal placed on a centered portion of the body.

✦✦✦ Mythic Up to 4 total seals.

✦✦✦✦ Legendary xtensive seals spanning entire body parts/the whole body.



✦✦✦ Mythic Organic wings that can be associated with any real-world animal (including insects), and may be placed at shoulder blades or the hips. The size may vary, but small organic wings are considered vestigial and unable to allow flight.

✦✦✦✦ Legendary agical, summonable wings. These wings may appear and disappear optionally, but must appear from a seal at either the shoulder blades or hips. Magical wings of any size are able to allow flight.


TailsMerge1.png TailsMerge2.png

Common Fleshy tails, the length and thickness of which can vary widely. May have fur on the tip, and/or on the undersize at the base of the tail.

✦✦ Rare Aquatic tails which must correspond to water Deva, the appearance of which can be correlated to any real-world fish or aquatic mammal. Size and decoration is widely variable. Alternatively, a lack of a tail, something typically seen in Deva with a lesser association with magic, or have been separated from their place of birth from a young age.

✦✦✦ Mythic Fully-furred, or fully-haired tails which may correspond to real-world animals.

✦✦✦✦ Legendary one tails, exclusive to necromantic Deva. The type and shape of bones can vary widely.



Horns can be gem-like in composition or organic, optionally corresponding to real-world animals. Horn color typically matches eye color, but is not required.

✦✦✦ Mythic Bi-horned or Mono-horned. Size and shape is highly variable.

✦✦✦✦ Legendary p to 4 horns total. May include 2 bi-horns, and 1 monohorn, for example. Size and shape is variable.



✦✦✦✦ Legendary ery strong Deva are capable of using their magic to replace parts of their body, such as hair, missing limbs, or missing horns. These augments do not have to be permanent, as they require extensive magical prowess to maintain.