⋆ What is a Sweettooth?

What is a Sweettooth? 

A Sweettooth is a neat little species of animal that are based off all different types of desserts! From pies, cakes, and cake pops, the possibilities are endless for this deliciously sweet treat!
Sweettooths can be anything! A blueberry pie puppy or a unicorn parfait otter!

 You may ask, “Are Sweettooths edible? What would they taste like?” Don’t. Ask that. 

Back in the day, in their own little groups, all Sweettooths, big and small, had the number one rule, that everyone must follow. 

DON’T, eat anything bitter. 

Any bitter treat would take away the most important thing to a Sweettooth, their sweetness. It would strip it away and leave a shell of a beast, hungry and starving for what they lost. 

Without their sweetness, they are monsters, and they will do anything to get it back. Even if that something is cannibalising their friendly neighbor.