~ terms of service

As much as these little guys are here for fun, fun things can't exist without rules. So without further ado, here are the official terms of service of the closed species, Dreampuffs.

•Breaking of these rules will result in a species blacklist, which results in banning from the discord and world.

•Any owned tickets or ocs will be voided of the species.

•Strikes will be given to those who trade dreampuff content to blacklisted members.

•Ocs within the dreampuff species may not be used for hate speech, protest, racist/ableist/lgbt-phobic values, or any other intention of harm.

•Nsfw containing dreampuff characters is allowed but is asked to keep out of forums and discord servers.

•Harassment geared towards the owners, admins, and moderators of the species is not permitted.

•Harassment in the toyhouse world, discord server, etc. is not permitted.

•Voiding characters of the species is allowed, however you must ask so that we know to take them off the masterlist. You will not have to change the design whatsoever unless you would like to.

•Refunds of tickets and other items are only permitted within one week of purchase.

•When purchasing adopts made by guest artists you must follow their terms of service.

•To approve a dreampuff, do so in the discord or comment on the toyhouse bulletin.

•Using copyrighted characters as dreampuff designs is not permitted as they do not belong to you.

•Commercial use of dreampuff characters requires a 5$ fee.

•Members must have a toyhouse account in order to own or co-own a dreampuff.

•Myo tickets or adopts may not be resold for higher value than originally spent. If you got the myo for free, you may only give it away.

•Any payment for tickets or items must be paid within 24 hours. If no valid reason is given for the lack of payment, a blacklist will be issued.

•Backing out of purchases is not permitted. Please, think about your purchase before diving into it.

•Begging admins or members for species content is not warranted whatsoever.

•Commissioning artists to design your dreampuff for you is allowed and encouraged for whatever reason.

•The species is closed, which means you may not make a character of the species without a ticket.

•Redesigns are allowed. However, if changing more than 70% of the design, you must purchase fabric supplies from the shop.

•Credit cloudskii on toyhouse or cloudiskii on instagram for the dreampuff species. You may not claim it as your own idea.

•Duplicating tickets or items is not allowed and is quite difficult due to the masterlist.

•You may sell characters made from tickets for however much you'd like, as it is your own design.